  • 期刊


The Philosophical Praxis of Back-to-Experiences: Existential Phenomenological Psychology as the Method to the Philosophy of Care




The philosophy of care necessarily involves the experience of the care-giver and the cared. Although, with the doctrine of "back to experiences themselves," phenomenology can be a proper guidance to develop the philosophy of care, the way to carrying out this guidance, however, needs to be re-examined and understood in a new light. In this essay, it is argued that, what the phenomenological reduction applied to the experience concerning care from the person other than the phenomenologist achieves neither transcendental phenomenology nor the phenomenological psychology in Husserl's view, but a practical method called as "existential phenomenological psychology." This argument stems from the fact that, the phenomenological psychology proposed by Husserl both as a prior foundation to all psychological sciences and as the preparatory stage of transcendental phenomenology have never been fulfilled. On the other hand, there has been flourishing a version of phenomenological psychology beyond Husserl's expectation devoting itself to the disclosure of the various modes of human existence. The present essay will address the operational side of phenomenological psychological reduction and transcendental phenomenological reduction so as to propose a third kind of reduction, existential phenomenological reduction, to be the phenomenological method of analyzing the reported experiences. What this new kind of reduction discloses is the constituting process in which meaning emerges within the particular lived experience, that is, the experiential structure of meaning unfolding in various modes of human existence. The study thus built up can be named as existential phenomenological psychology, and taken as the mothed in understanding experience for the enterprise of the philosophy of care.


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