  • 期刊


The Construction of an Audience Participation Paradigm in the New Media Environment: Examining of the European Project of 'Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies'




歐洲 閱聽人 轉型 參與 典範


Audience research is a crucial area of theoretical communication innovation in the new media environment. By examining the academic project of 'Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies' funded by the European Cooperation Project in Science and Technology, this article analyzes the innovative ideas of European audience research from the perspective of the interaction between knowledge production and societal contexts. This project includes four mains issues: media literacy in the new media environment; audience interactivity and participation; the role of Information and Communication Technology use when involving social relationships; and audience transformation and social integration. By analyzing the academic vein of these issues, this article determines the theoretical trends and social meanings of European audience research, naming the construction of a new 'audience participation paradigm' in the new media environment.


European audiences transformation participation paradigm


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