  • 期刊


Ineffective Aid: Institutional Predicament of American Medical Aid to China and China's Aid Management during the Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945




After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in mid-1937, China immediately encountered acute shortages of medical supplies, which continued to plague its military activities in the ensuing years. When the flames of war raged through Europe and finally spread to the Pacific from 1939 to 1941, medical aid to China not only became vital to China's own survival but was rendered strategic value for the Allies because it may strengthen China's capability to counter the army of Imperial Japan. Since medical aid affected how aid-providers such as the United States distributed their precious strategic resources, it would easily alarm both the giving and the receiving sides and undermine their cooperation if the aid accomplished little. Focusing on American medical aid to China, this article discusses how its implementation and performances affected China's military capacity and shaped the Sino-American relations. It argues that China's institutional weakness impaired the potential and effects of American medical aid, resulting in deteriorating health of the Chinese troops and rampant malaria along the Burma Road - China's war-time life-line. This disappointing experience sowed the seeds of the strained relationship between the US and the Nationalist government in the initial years of the postwar era.


ABMAC Lend-Lease Act American Aid Malaria Burma Road


Jespersen, T. Christopher. “ ‘Spreading the American Dream’ of China: United China Relief, the Luce Family, and the Creation of American Conceptions of China before Pearl Harbor,” The Journal of American-East Asian Relations, 1:3(Fall 1992).
Robertson, Robert Cecil. “A Malaria Survey on the China-Burma Highway,” Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 34:4(January 1941).
Robertson, Robert Cecil. “Malaria in Western Yunnan with Reference to the China-Burma Highway,” Chinese Medical Journal, 57(January 1940).
San, P. A. and L. B. Hall. “Malaria Control with the Yunnan-Burma Railway Medical Mission,” Field Bulletin, (October 1944).
United States Army. “How Lend-Lease Works,” Army Talk, 1:5(October 1943).
