  • 學位論文


Development and transition of U.S. Naval aid policy for China after World War II (1945-1949)

指導教授 : 黃自進


1937至1945年的中日戰爭為近代中國帶來巨大的衝擊,蔣介石領導的中華民國國民政府在抗戰中受損嚴重,戰後仰賴美國而維持執政者和勝利國形象,甚至無力獨自收復全部領土,美國海軍以此為契機進駐中國,先行佔領和運輸政府軍。第七艦隊和陸戰隊的任務是協助善後,相對於戰時來華的美國陸軍與空軍(陸軍航空軍),性質是與日本作戰。 第七艦隊不僅是奉命行事地協助中國人收復領土、遣返日人和支援馬歇爾調停,還在這幾項主要任務結束後,以中國海軍重建的名義繼續駐紮,直到1949年5月。這四年與國民政府互動的過程,反映另一層次的中美關係,而美國海軍自己也有不同於國務院、陸軍、國會的觀點,對國民政府更加積極。 美國海軍是秉持著什麼樣的動機與中國接觸,第七艦隊駐華的四年做了什麼,在撤離後哪些事物又繼續存在,特別是對兩岸及東亞的局勢影響至今,以上這些問題將是本論文探討的重點。


Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) makes huge impact to the modern China. The National Government of the Republic of China leaded by Chiang Kai-Shek got serious damage in the war, relied on U.S. for ruling authority and victorious country, even could’t capture own terriotory by it own self. U.S. Navy took this chance to station in China, went ahead of occupying and transferred govrmental troops. Compared to the U.S. Army and Army Air Forces fight against Japan in war period, the missions of 7th fleet and Marine Corps were assisting recover. 7th fleet not only helped Chinese recapture territory, repatriation of Japanese and support Marshall’s Mediation Mission to China, but also kept staying in the name of rebuilding Chinese Nay after main missions ended until May, 1949. This 4-years of interactive with National Government in the process, reflects to a level from the relationship between U.S. and China, as well as U.S. Navy has own view which is different from Department of State, Army, Congress, and is more positive to National Government. What’s the motivation U.S. hold to contact to China, What are 7th fleet doing in China for 4 years, and there is anything continue existence after retreating, especially the impact on the situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and East Asia has so far. These issues above are the focus of this paper.


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