  • 期刊


Castleman's Disease in the Submandibular Area - A Case Report


Castleman氏病(Castleman's disease)是一種相當罕見的淋巴組織增生病變,其明確的致病機轉目前仍不得而知。大部分的病例並無症狀,通常以單一縱膈腔腫塊來表現,只有極少數病例單獨以頸部腫塊來表現,而出現在下頷下區者更是少之又少。本文報告一位78歲的女性病人,因左側頸部下頷下區有一單獨腫塊來本科就診。原本懷疑是下頜下腺腫瘤,遂安排手術切除,病理組織診斷為透明血管型Castleman氏病,術後追蹤四個月並無復發現象。


Casleman's disease is an uncommon lymphoproliferative disorder. The exact etiology of this entity is still unknown. Most patients are asymptomatic. Very few cases present with a solitary mass in the neck. This article presents a 78-year-old woman who had a solitary neck mass in the left submandibular area, came to us for help in April 2001. After computed tomography scan and other examinations, the patient underwent excision. Histopathology showed typical characteristics of the hyaline-vascular type of Castleman's disease. The patient has had no evidence of recurrence after surgery. Although the recurrence rate of this type of Castleman's disease is very low, long-term postoperative follow-up is till necessary.
