  • 期刊


The Destructure and Restructure of Taiwanese Manufacturing Supply Chain Networks under the Raise of Local Suppliers in China: Taking Taiwan Electronics Industry as an Example


自1980年代開始,我國企業赴中國大陸投資已歷30年的發展;在國際化理論中,企業會隨著國際化進程深化其當地化程度,開始在當地市場尋找新的供應夥伴,降低與母國之間之連結。因此,臺商在對外投資所產生的「產業内貿易」(intra-industry trade)是一個重要的衡量特徵。然而,自2000年之後,臺商企業自當地採購機械與零組件、半成品之比例逐漸增加;至2010年之後臺商自臺灣採購在整體已經降至三成以下,但對於機械與零組件、半成本比例仍然增加當中。針對此一現象,本研究探討:(1)臺商在中國大陸的供應鏈關係的變化程度;(2)臺商在當地的網絡結構與關係之改變;以及(3)當時跟隨臺商赴陸之供應網絡廠商與當地廠商之關係。研究結果發現臺商企業網絡在國際化進程中並沒有出現國際化理論中的鎖入效果,在供應鏈網絡不但出現「量變」,也逐漸產生「質變」;除了當地採購金額增加之外,供應鏈的合作對象,也由協同赴陸的臺灣網絡夥伴,逐漸被中國大陸陸資供應廠商所取代。網絡關係亦由原先之關係型網絡轉變成交易型網絡。本研究建議企業應偏向尋求以信任爲基礎的關係,並逐漸減少契約式的關係,並轉換至多國間、多方的網絡關係。


網絡關係 產業環境 當地化


Since 1980s, Taiwanese enterprises have been investing in the mainland China for 30 years. In the theory of internationalization, companies will deepen their degree of localization with the process of internationalization and searching for new supply partners in the local market and reduce their link between home countries. Therefore, the "intra-industry trade" generated by Taiwanese entrepreneurs in foreign investment is an important feature. However, since 2000, Taiwanese entrepreneurs have gradually increased the proportion of local procurement of machinery, components and work in process. After 2010, the whole proportion of Taiwanese entrepreneurs purchase from Taiwan has fallen below 30%, but the proportion of machinery, components and work in process has continued to increase. For this situation, our study explores: (1) the degree of change in the supply chain relationship of Taiwanese firms on the mainland China; (2) changes in the local network structure and relations of Taiwanese firms and; (3) the supplying network firms follow-up Taiwanese firms relationship between local firms. The study results found that the Taiwanese entrepreneurs' corporate network, did not show up the lock-in effect in the internationalization process, and the Taiwanese entrepreneurs' supply chain network not only changed in "quantity" it also gradually evolved into "quality" change. In addition to increase in local purchases, the partners in the supply chain have also been gradually replaced network partners collaborate in Taiwan by mainland China suppliers. The construction model and transaction basis of network relations has also changed from the relational network to the transactional network. Our study suggests that enterprises should prefer trust-based relationships and gradually reduce the contracting relationship, and convert to multinational or multi-lateral network.


