  • 期刊


Relational Analysis of Cultural and Creative Industries and Assessment Indicators


在近年對於文化創意產業以及創意城市論述風行的情況下,該產業已經被視為城市發展的重要因子,本研究旨在運用政府現有的相關經濟評估指標來檢視文化創意產業發展情況,用以了解各指標對文化創意產業產值的相關性及影響。本研究以DANP法與灰關聯分析法作為主要分析方法,藉由專家經驗觀點以及統計數據兩方面著手,探討在專家認知中以及數據統計下的文化創意產業產值與那些指標相關,以及兩種方法之間的異同。結果顯示DANP 法較聚焦於文化創意產業產值「直接影響」之相關指標,而灰關聯統計分析則是以近年文化創意產業產值波動較相關之指標為主。現今政策在檢討擬定時,大多受到決策者專業認知影響,或過度依賴統計數字做為決策依據,因此本研究希望透過兩者同時檢討,從中看出兩種方法可能造成的結果差異,以得到最符合實際情況之檢視成果為目標。


Decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory-based analytic hierarchical process (DANP), grey relational analysis, expert opinions and related statistics were used to identify the indicators related to the production value of cultural creative industries (CCIs). The similarities and differences between DANP and grey relational analysis were discussed. The results revealed that the DANP method focused more on indicators that directly affect the production value of CCIs, whereas grey relational analysis focused more on indicators relevant to the production value fluctuations of these industries in recent years. Excessively dependent on decision makers' professional knowledge or on statistics. Therefore, this study investigated the two methods simultaneously and compared the differences in the results they produced using these methods, thus obtaining highly accurate results in line with the current situation in CCIs.


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