  • 期刊

Key Risk Factors of Financial Holding Companies in Taiwan: An Integrated Approach of DEMATEL-Based ANP and Risk Management Balanced Scorecard



The objective of this study was to establish an evaluation mechanism of risk management performance for financial holding companies (FHCs) in Taiwan based on four dimensions (i.e., financial, customer needs, internal business process, and learning and growth). This study explored the key factors of risk management and their interrelation by applying a hybrid method of the balanced scorecard (BSC) and the DEMATEL method combined with the analytic network process (DANP). To fulfill these objectives, we collected data in two ways: semi-structured interviews with senior-level managers and a questionnaire distributed to experts employed in the risk management departments of FHCs. The DEMATEL results revealed that strategic, integration, management, and leadership risks have high prominence in the core factor zone of the relationship diagram. By contrast, risk factors such as credit, profitability, cost, reputation, trust, operation, and competitive risks require instant indirect control through the management of root-cause risk factors. In conclusion, combined with the DANP results, these results suggest that management and leadership risks were the two most important factors, and positive management tools as well as coordination and communication between head offices and branches are key to reducing risk in large and complex organizations such as FHCs. Standardized and regulated governance procedures are required. In addition, the results of a comparison between the DANP and AHP validated the necessity of using the DANP for evaluating interdependent dimensions and criteria in the context of the risk management BSC.


本研究目的係以平衡計分卡的學習與成長、內部流程、顧客與財務四大構面,分析風險管理與金控公司,同時以2012年7月台灣已掛牌上市上櫃的金融控股公司為研究範圍,將問卷將分成兩部份收集:1.高階主管深度訪談調查;2.風管部門從業人員問卷調查,以決策分析實驗室法(DEMATEL)結合分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)之DANP分析關鍵風險因子之交互影響關係。研究結果顯示,策略風險、整合風險、管理風險及領導風險為降低風險的核心因子,同時具有高度的影響及被影響總分及高度的影響扣除被影響的總差額。另一方面,信用風險、利潤風險、成本風險、信譽風險、信用風險、作業風險及競爭風險等關鍵風險因子,則應透過核心因子及驅動因子等原因因子來間接控制。最後,結合上述DEMATEL的結果與DANP推導出管理與領導為最關鍵兩個風險因子的結果,組織複雜且龐大的金控公司應以建立管理工具及強化領導、溝通、協調總部及分公司以降低風險、增進風險管理效能,而標準化及制度化的公司治理為重要的基礎。DANP與分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process)的比較結果再次確認前者更適用於RM-BSC此類具有交互影響關係的相對重要性分析中。


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