  • 期刊


Human Capital Difference or Gender Discrimination? Exploration on Gender Stratification of Labor Market


收入是衡量個人社經地位的重要指標,而在個人收入之取得過程中,性別扮演著什麼樣的關鍵角色,是頗值得深入探討的問題。本研究採用1997年「三期三次台灣地區社會變遷調查社會階層組全國性大樣本資料」,將男女就業者樣本分開來,作個別之路徑分析,以觀察各背景變項、中介變項對個人收入的影響,是否會因為性別的不同而有所差異。結果發現: (1)「結婚」對男性就業者「現為老闆機率」、「管理權力」、「工作專業性」、及「個人收入」均有顯著直接正面影響,但是對女性就業者卻都沒有顯著影響,且「結婚」會顯著增加女性就業者的「工作中斷年數」,然而對男性就業者卻沒有顯著影響;「六歲以下子女」對男性就業者的「工作中斷年數」沒有顯著影響,但卻會顯著增加女性就業者的「工作中斷年數」且「六歲以下子女」對男性就業者「職業聲望」、「工作專業性」之影響皆不顯著,然而對女性就業者卻皆有顯著負面影響。 (2)女性就業者的「教育」對「職業聲望」、「管理權力」、及「個人收入」報酬率,均顯著較男性就業者來得低;「工作中斷年數」對女性就業者的「個人收入」有顯著負面影響,但是對男性就業者卻沒有負面影響,且「從事女性職業」對女性就業者的「個人收入」有顯著負面影響,但是對男性就業者卻沒有顯著影響。 本研究進一步將影響「就業市場收入性別差異」的因素做分解,結果發現,影響「收入性別差異」的最重要因素是「就業市場性別歧視的直接影響」,其解釋率佔了47%至60%,其次是「階級位置性別差異」,佔19%至33%,再其次是「從事女性職業」,佔8%至18%,接下來才是「人力資本性別差異」,只佔了9%至12%。


Earnings are an important standard to measure one's personal social and economic position. Thus, what role gender plays in making personal earnings is an issue worth studying deeply. Using the 1997 Social Change Survey of Taiwan, this study separates the female and male labor sample for path analysis so as to observe the influence of background variables, intervening variables on personal earnings and find out gender differences. Following are some findings of this study; 1. ”Marriage” has a direct, significant positive influence on males' ”opportunity of being a boss”, ”management stratum”, ”professional ability”, and ”personal earnings”, but has no significant influence on females'. ”Marriage” has significant influence on females' ”interrupted working period” but does not have significant influence on males'; ”Children under 6 years old” has no significant influence on men's ”interrupted working period”, but has significant positive influence on women's. What is more, ”children under 6 years old” does not have significant influence on males' ”occupational prestige”, ”professional ablity”, while they do have significant negative influence on females'. 2. On rewards of ”education”, females achieve less than males in ”occupational prestige”, ”management stratum” and ”personal earnings”. Also, ”interrupted working period” has a significant negative influence on females' ”personal earnings”, but not on males'. Further-more, ”taking female-dominated occupations” has significant negative influence on females' ”personal earnings”, but not on males'. The study has further decomposed the factors that affect ”labor market gender differences in earnings”. It shows that the most important factor that affects ”gender differences in earnings” is ”the direct effect of labor market gender discrimination”, which explains 47%-60%; the second factor is ”gender differences in class status”, accounting for 19%-33%; next is ”occupational gender segregation”, at 8%-18%; and finally comes ”gender differences in human capital”, explaining only 9%-12%.


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