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A Study on the Categorical Framework and Prevention of Gender-Related Incidents on Campus - With Focus on Teachers' Involvement




校園 性別事件 類型 防治


The Gender Equity Education Act in Taiwan has been amended four times since it came into effect in 2004. The Article 27-1 amended in 2018 further sets the punishment that educators who violate the Act shall be dismissed and the person never again be permitted to be appointed as a teacher. The aim is to urge educators to take early and serious measures to prevent and control gender-related incidents on campus, such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying. Taking samples of newspaper articles in Taiwan from the Legislative Yuan News Knowledge Management System, this study adopts content analysis to categorize and interpret the gender-related incidents on campus, which is then expected to serve as a reference for the prevention and control of gender-related incidents on campus. It's found that educators involved in some cases started by sounding out the students, and then abused their authority and the trust from the students to commit continual sexual harassment based on mutual confidentiality. Not until the educators are reported to the Gender Equality Committee will they stop their improper behavior. The study suggests that in addition to strictly enforcing laws against the teachers involved, both teachers and students need to be educated about "gender sensitivity" to prevent similar incidents caused by unequal power relations from happening.


余瑞仁,2020,〈房思琪翻版!小六女淪師性奴,高中時跳海亡〉,《自由時報》第 A01 版,2020 年 11 月 12 日。
吳政峰,2021,〈重遴教評會重處分,教師也已黑掉…〉,《自由時報》第 A13版。2021 年 3 月 21 日。
吳敏菁,2019,〈柔道狼師染指少女,被揪出是慣犯 2 年前就伸過魔掌〉,《中國時報》第 A12F 版。2019 年 7 月 25 日。
