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0.1% Indocollyre眼藥水使用於白內障手術的效果-臨床效果與螢光計量法之評估

Clinical and Fluorophotometric Assessment of the Efficacy of 0.1% Indocollyre in Cataract Surgery


本研究一共收集43位接受單側囊外白內障摘除及後房人工水晶體植入手術之患者,分別為實驗組與對照組兩群體。實驗組為向術前一天至術後兩週,手術眼每日均接受0.1%Indocollyre眼藥水四次;對照組則不點用0.1%Indocollyre眼藥水,其他治療兩組約完全相同。我們於手術施行當中記錄瞳孔大小的變化且術後第一天、第一週、及第四週皆追蹤檢查。檢查的項目包括視力、眼壓、裂隙燈鏡檢以及前房螢光濃度劃定。統計結果顯示,在視力、眼壓、角膜水腫、前房反應等臨床項目,兩組間並未呈現有意義的差異;在手術施行當中瞳孔大小變化方面,今現01%Indocollyre眼藥水確能有效地抑制瞳孔縮小;至於前房螢光計量則顯示,術前就開始使用0.1%Indocollyrd眼藥水可以保護Blood-aqueous barrier,從而減低手術後之炎症反應。




Forty three eyes scheduled to receive ECCE and IOL implantation were randomized into two groups, those who received 0.1% Indocollyre (Group I), and those do not (Group 2). 0.1% Indocollyre were prescribed to the operated-on eye in the Group I four times daily from I day preoperatively till 2 weeks postoperatively. Rountine subconjunctival and to pical steroid were also used postoperatively in bolts groups. Pupil size was measured 3 times during the operation. Clinical grading and fluorophotometric study to evaluate the integrity of Blood-Aqueous-Barrier (B.A.B.) were done preoperatively and 1 day, 1 week, 1 month postoperatively. Two eyes were excluded due to vitreous loss and one patient failed to complete the study. The result showed significant lens miosis of Group 1 (19 eyes) during the operation than Group 2 (21 eyes). But there is no significant difference in clinical grading between two groups. Fluorophotometric examination revealed significant increased fluorescein concentration in the anterior chamber 1 week and 1 month postoperatively in both groups. Meanwhile, the Percentage Increase (% INC) in fluorescein concentration were significantly greater in Group I than Group 2 at 1 week and 1 month postoperatively. This may well reflect that fluorophotometry is much sensitive and quantitative than clinical assessment, and that 0.1% indocollyre could really protect B.A.B. and prevent miosis during the operation.
