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Ipsilateral Rotational Autokeratoplasty for Central Cornea Opacity-A Case Report



目的:報告一個因中央角膜混濁而接受同側自體轉位角膜移植術的病例,最後其視力恢復情況良好。 方法:病例報告。 結果:一名26歲男性因右眼穿刺傷而在角膜中央遺留一個3.5×3.5mm的疤痕及外傷性白內障。一個月後,他接受了右眼白內障摘除及人工水晶體植入手術,術後視力矯正後為6/10。因為嚴重的眩光及複視,病患於白內障術後五個月時接受了右眼的自體轉位角膜移植手術。經過九個月的追蹤,病患最終視力進步到6/6.7,同時解除了眩光及複視的困擾。 結論:同側自體轉位角膜移植術為不但安全、有效,而且對於容易產生免疫排斥反應的病患,或是缺乏捐贈角膜之地區,不啻為一項可以替代傳統角膜移植術之方法。




Purpose: To present a case with central corneal opacity in which the patient underwent ipsilateral rotational autokeratoplasty. Method: Interventional case report. Result: A 26 year-old man suffered a penetrating injury in his right center cornea. One month later, traumatic cataract occurred and he received surgery for extracapsular cataract extraction and posterior intraocular lens implantation. The postoperative visual acuity was 6/10. Five months after the cataract surgery, because of an intolerable glare and diplopia caused by a central corneal scar, ipsilateral rotational autokeratoplasty was performed with 7.5mm trephine size. No surgical complications were noted at a 9-month follow-up. The final best corrected visual acuity was improved to 6/6.7 with resolution of the glare and diplopia. Conclusion: Ipsilateral rotational keratoplasty is a safe and effective treatment for central corneal opacity. It can be an alternative to penetrating keratoplasty in such cases.
