  • 期刊


When Archives Are Dis/covered: Understanding the Portraiture of Medicine in Taiwan through It's Physicians


迥異於其他研究回顧,本文欲探討日益興盛,以醫師或醫療機構為描述對象的書寫。過去這些「非學術」的材料或被視為一手資料或素材,側身各種醫學史研究的脚註中,却鮮少有人分析這些書寫的產出機制與社會功能。對醫師這個在台灣歷史與社會扮演特殊角色的團體,本文認為有必要對其所衍生的書寫加以歷史與社會面向的考察。 本文依論述脈絡分為三部分。首先本文指出醫師書寫中「書寫臺灣人醫師」與「臺灣醫師書寫」兩種產出機制。前者將臺灣醫師視為臺灣人知識份子的典型,書寫的目是為呼應更廣褒臺灣歷史的建構。後者則是相對私人性,因應其專業或職業文化需要所產生的文字。其次本文分析近年來這類書寫的兩個趨勢,專業文字工作者的參與與超越個人或團體,機構化歷史書寫的出現。不再如以往與臺灣論述緊密相連,也不再只對內發行,這種趨勢反應目前多元發聲的社會生態;醫師不再獨大,必須藉由歷史書寫來建構專業的自信與回應各界的挑戰。最後本文用「文本民族誌」的方式,以《臺灣外科醫療史》為例,具體解讀這波趨勢下醫師書寫的構成方式與性質。


醫師書寫 台灣 醫療史


This paper focuses on writings concerning Taiwanese physicians and medical institutes. These writings cover a wide range of material, and are often cited in related studies as primary sources. However, seldom are these works subjected to intellectual scrutiny. Considering the unique role of Taiwanese physicians in history and society alike, an investigation is needed to comprehend how these writing are produced and what their intentions imply. My argument addresses the following:1.There are in fact two kinds of writings regarding medicine in Taiwan by or about physicians before the mid 1990s, which I named respectively ”writing on Taiwanese physicians” and ”physicians' narratives.” They are written by different people and serve different purposes. 2.Two recent trends-the involvement of humanity researchers or journalist, and the advent of histories specifically concerning medical groups or institutes-make ”physicians' narratives” not just personal accounts of Taiwan and its medicine, but also an ”archive-building” endeavor to restore and preserve the declining social status and respect medical professionals once enjoyed. 3.Using the latest publication of this kind as an example, I will examine in detail the issues on how the ”archive” was processed and what its characteristics are. Observing that more scholars are being invited to pen some of these wrings and more materials are available for critique, this paper intends to call forth an awareness required while being involved in the production and circulation of such archives.


Clifford, James,George Marcus(1986).Writing Culture: the Poetics and Politics of Ethnography.Berkeley and Los Angeles, California:University of California Press.
Davis-Floyd, Robbie,Joseph Dumit(1998).Cyborg Babies: from techno-sex to techno-tots.London and New York:Routledge.
Derrida, Jacques(1995).Archive Fever: a Freudian impression.Chicago and London:University of Chicago Press.
Dumit, Joseph(1998).Cyborg Babies: from techno-sex to techno-tots.London and New York:Routledge.
Foucault, Michel(1969).The Archaeology of Knowledge.New York:Pantheon Books.


賴彥如(2017)。精神疾病的建構-自我反思,家人衝突 的敘說與病歷分析〔碩士論文,世新大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0075-1908201723502100
