  • 期刊

Control of White Mold of Bean by Coniothyrium minitans:Comparison of Soil and Foliar Treatments

比較土壤處理與植株噴佈超寄生菌(coniothyrium minitans)防治菜豆菌核病的效果



黃鴻章、 Erickson, R. S. 2004. 比較土壤處理與植株噴佈超寄生菌(Coniothxrium minitans)防治菜豆菌核病的效果. 植病會刊13:171-176. (加拿大農業及農業食品部 Lethbridge 研究中心;聯絡作者,電子郵件:huangh@agr.gc.ca;傳真:+1-403-382-3156)在加拿大亞伯達省Lethbridg。研究中心的試驗田進行試驗,比較超寄生真菌 coniothy rium minitans的使用方法(土壤處理或植株噴佈)對菜豆菌核病(sclerotinia sclerotiorum)的防治效果。由西元1998到2000年的三年試驗結果顯示,將培養在麥麩上、經風乾的C. minitans,以60g/m(上標2)之的用量,在播種期處理土壤,可以顯著減少土壤中病原菌菌核的發芽率與子囊盤的形成率達97%。但是於菜豆開花期間噴佈C. minitans,的抱子懸浮液於植株上,卻無法顯著減少田間菌核產生子囊盤的數量。以土壤處理或植株噴佈C. minitans,或是兩者併用均可顯著地降低菜豆菌核病的發病率與發病嚴重度,並增加菜豆產量;尤其是以土壤處理合併植株噴佈時效果最佳,此一併用方式處理 C. minitan與噴佈億力(Benlate)殺菌劑的防病效果無異。本項試驗證明C. minitans 以土壤處理與植株噴佈兩種方法合併使用,是防治菜豆菌核病的最有效方法,




Huang, H. C. and Erickson, R. S. 2004. Control of white mold of bean by Coniothyrium minitans: Comparison of soil and foliar treatments. Plant Pathol. Bull, 13:171-176. A field study was conducted during 1998-2000 at Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada to determine the efficacy of different methods of applying the mycoparasite, Coniothyrium ninitans, for control of white mold of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) caused by Scierotinia sclerotiorum. Application of C. minitans grown on wheat bran to soil at the rate of 60 g/m2 after seedling emergence resulted in a 97% reduction (P<0.05) in number of apothecia produced by selerotia of S. scierotiorum, whereas foliar application of a spore suspension of this mycoparasite during the early flowering stage had no effect on apotheeial production. C. minitans, applied as a foliar spray, as a soil amendment, or as a combination of foliar spray plus soil amendment, as well as fungicide (benomy1) spray, all significantly reduced incidence and severity of white mold of bean, compared to the untreated control. The suppresion of white mold in the combined treatment of C. minitans foliar spray plus soil amendment was similar to that in the fungicide treatment, and these two treatments resulted in the highest seed yields. The study concludes that the combination of C. minitans foliar spray and soil amendment is more effective than either foliar spray or soil amendment alone for the control of white mold of bean.
