  • 期刊


Inheritance and Innovation: An Essay on "Ming-Tang Fu" in Tang Dynasty




唐代 明堂賦 承傳與新變


"Ming-Tang" is the place where the emperor proclaimed politics-religion and worshipped ritual, and also gave lectures and salutes. The architecture of Ming-Tang has not only expanded the sacrificial function of the ancestral temple in ancient time, but also played a political role. It has revealed a symbol of imperial and divine power. Those Fu, based on Ming-Tang, in Tang Dynasty has been acknowledged the best in terms of quality and quantity, for instance, Yunji Liu's, Bai Li's, Wei Wang's, Hua Ren and Zhao Yu's "Ming-Tang Fu," Yunji Liu's "Vanxiang Ming-Tang Fu," and Guan Xie's "The Ming-Tang Fu of Feudatory in Zhou Gong Dynasty." While Fu is of the prose language, imitates the prose style of the Han Da-Fu, inherits the parallel style of the Southern Dynasty, or incorporates the innovational characteristics of Li-Fu in Tang Dynasty, its content inherits the ancient worshipped ritual of Ming-Tang, shows the architecture of Ming-Tang, and represents the etiquette and education of Tang Dynasty. Its layout is open and form is varied. There also are multiple aesthetic styles in the innovation. Ming-Tang Fu has not only influenced the Fu writings after Song Dynasty, but also provided very valuable and historical materials for later literature, archaeology, and architecture. Furthermore it represents the architectural style of Ming-Tang in the heyday of Tang Dynasty.


廖明鳳:《唐代宮殿賦研究》(南昌:江西師範大學中國古代文學研究所碩士論文,2015 年)。
李冬艷:〈《新唐書•劉允濟傳》箋証〉,《文學界》第 9 期(2012 年),頁 244-245。
孟繁森:〈《明堂賦》作于天寶初年〉,《社會科學輯刊》第 3 期(1986 年)。
石艷霞:〈李白《明堂賦》系年新考〉,《昭通學院學報》第 6 期(2017 年)。
張麗傑:〈論李白古賦的思想性及藝術性〉,《齊齊哈爾大學學報》第 3 期(2003 年 5 月)。
