  • 期刊


The development of wushu education in early Republic China (1912-1927)




The aim of this paper is to explore the development of wushu Education in early Republic China. This paper first clarifies the background of the era from 1912 to 1927, and then discusses the changes in educational laws and policies and finally explores the content of wushu education during this period. The results of the paper show that wushu education continued to struggle for the existence of value in the debate between multicultural, traditional and modern thinking in these fifteen years. The development of wushu has undergone transformation, downturn and re-active, and finally became one of the official courses of the school. The key decree proposed in 1915, "The schools at all levels should open traditional Chinese wushu courses" and the 11th National Education Meeting in 1926 pass the resolution. The efforts of intellectuals have made wushu education a place in the school system. The collective teaching of wushu in relative educational institutions and school classrooms, the preparation of teaching materials, and the cultivation of instructors have made the promotion of wushu more systematic and planning. This opens a new milestone in wushu education.


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