  • 期刊


The Structuration of Urban Spatial Development and Its Governing Predicament -A Case Study of the High Speed Rail Miaoli Station Special District


This study uses policy documentation, literature, news reports and in-depth interviews to investigate how the Miaoli county government negotiated for a high speed rail station by exercising political power to influence the local land and regional development. This helps us to understand the discourse and dialogue of structural spatial elements and agency. The political economy and the characteristics of capital for the spatial governance of high speed rail Miaoli station special district (thereafter MSSD) is revealed through the perspective of neoliberalism. The construction of MSSD is a complicated process. It involves political negotiation both at the central and local levels through urban planning review, brick furnace disputes, zone expropriation, finance, legality, land use regulations and stakeholders. From its planning, building and operation processes, the active involvement of executive officers, elected representatives, local political entity, local people, etc. have manifested a classic case of neoliberal governance of land development and transport-oriented development which unfortunately contributed to the loss of traditional local history and culture. The financial pressure of Miaoli county government has led to its copy of concepts and function for developing the special district from elsewhere. As many have hoped the MSSD to serve as a shortcut to economic prosperity and to make the district area a new core for local development, the district was pursued through much political negotiation. Capital flows were expected for the local area but indeed the reality has proved to be otherwise. This study focuses on analyzing the development process and institutional mechanism for MSSD in light of neoliberalism. Both agency and structure elements are crucial in creating the status quo of the district. Changes for the local development are contributed through intertwined factors and policies of structural and agency elements.


本研究藉由相關的政策資料、文獻、新聞報導與深入訪設等方法,分析地方政府為了爭取高鐵苗栗車站設站,各種尺度的政治力與權力在都市與區域發展上 的重要性;亦即是,本文分析高鐵苗栗車站特定區發展的結構與能動的對話與作為,並以新自由主義的政治經濟與資本特質為理路參考,分析高鐵苗栗車站特定區的空間治理與困境。高鐵苗栗車站從爭取設站、站址選擇、車站暫緩興建、都市計畫與審議、古窯拆除爭議、區段徵收配地問題,到通車營運,地方首長與機關、民意代表、中央政府、在地居民等相關權益關係人的介入,凸顯臺灣在新自由主義都市空間治理的思維下,透過「建設牌」結合「土地開發」的方式,處理政治經濟需求與財政困難,並藉由複製、模仿其他都市機能,紡織地方繁榮的願景,然而特定區發展依舊受到區域差異與市場狀況影響,使原本支持開發的在地居民轉而質疑。本研究認為因不同權益關係人以為高鐵苗栗車站設站與特定區開發可成為地方通往繁榮的捷徑,藉此,翻轉苗栗,使地區空間發展、交通運輸、經濟產業結構性改變,而高鐵苗栗車站特定區原為經濟發展緩慢的邊陲地區,故期待高鐵車站特定區可影響區域變遷;但是任何的政治或建設方案都有可能失能或無娃,而造成負面效應,又當政府無視抗議、衝突與抵抗,或任由市場失靈,亦將導致其它問題或不公平。所以,區域變遷因結構性的政策和能動性要素之間的互動與滲透,使高鐵苗栗車站特定區區或空間的發展變遷顯得多元複雜,引發政策結構再生產,成為苗栗縣發展的重要焦點。


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