

自1975年Folstein, M. F. 與 Folstein, S. E. 設計 Mini-Menlal State Examination(MMSE) 將患者智能減損之狀況以量化方式呈現以後,MMSE即成為臨床上與流行病學研究中最常應用之智能受損之篩檢工具。本研究確定了MMSE之中文版本,使其施測更趨標準化,並且建立常模,建議適當之界斷分數。 中文版仍保留五大項認知功能之評量,包括:定向力(orlontation)、訊息登錄(registration)、注意力及計算(attention & calculation)、短期記憶(recall)以及語言能力(language)。唯評估總分由原先之卅分增至卅三分。以此版本施測於441位不同教育程度、卅歲以上之正常成年人。結果發現:(1)中文版增列之三項,使中高教育組多了三項、而低教育組多了兩項可資參考之篩檢分數。(2)此篩檢工具受個體原教育程度之影響重於受年齡因素影響。依此結果,本文建議先行區辦個體是否為低教育程度,再決定採用那一個界斷分數。(3)各教育層中,依分數對年齡作迴歸分析,雖所得三條直線迴歸線皆達顯著。但對低教育程度者之預估能力較差,並不值得採用。此外,本研究對性別變項所作之分析,發現唯在低教有程度組達明顯之差異,乃可能受文化背景之影響,在中文合併討論之。




Since M. F. Folstein & S. E. Folstein (1975) designed the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for grading evaluation of patients with cognitive impairement, the MMSE test has become the most popularly used test instrument both in clinical and epithological studies. We standiaried the Chinese form of MMSE, this paper reports the norms, and outlines the importances of using different criteria depending on pt's education level. The Chinese MMSE has all the terms and components of the origenal MMSE, namely: time & place orientation, registration, attention & calculation, recall, language & constructional ability, but we increased the total score from 30 to 33, adding one item of writing one's own name and two items of simple calculation. After admistering this form to 441 normal adults with high, low or no education, we found: (1) all three additional items were applicable for those with high and low education when checking cognitive impairement; writing own's name was not suitable for the non-educated. (2) from ANOVA analysis, both education and age factors had significant main effects and interaction effect on total scores, but the education factor accounted for most of the variation; and from linear regression analysis of high and low education groups, we abtained two prediction regression lines which showed that the MMSE scores slightly declined as age increased, but in the non-educated group, only a good regression line for women was found and not for men which will be discussed more in the paper. Findly, we suggest two cut-point scores for checking cognitive impairment, i.e., between 26 and 27 for the literate (23/24 in the original MMSE) and 15/16 for the illiterate (13/14 in the original). The difference in cut-off points of the version is accounted for by the additioned items that were added.


MMSE Chinese Revision Norm


