  • 期刊


Represention of Excursion: The Perspective of Travel Writing of Chinese Columns in Taiwan Education Association Magazine




修學旅行 旅遊書寫 日治時期 跨界 敘事


During the Japanese Colonial Period, border-crossing travel writings of cultural observation, identity, and emotional response to scenery were circulated by various newspapers and magazines. The Taiwan Education Association Magazine, a highly respected publication, was recognized for its cultural presentation and for its longevity with its Chinese columns being published continuously from 1903 to 1927. These authors, mainly students or faculty members from the Taiwan Governor-General School, were influenced by colonial modernity. Japanese literati who traveled to Taiwan wrote about their emotional responses to scenery, as well as what they observed in nature and people. This paper focuses on the following three perspectives: (1) functions of travel writings and variance in editorial objectives; (2) rationale of the Japan authorities for arranging excursions of Taiwanese students to Japan; (3) perspectives and images of Taiwan by Japanese literati. This paper discusses the impact of reflections, comparisons between writers' own and foreign cultures, and landscape memories. This paper expounds on the Japanese literati's response to natural images and examines the humanistic concerns from their imperial perspectives. By analyzing writing strategies and cultural discourses from the travelers, this paper contributes to the Taiwanese travel literature and culture.


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畢然譯、郭金華譯Halbwachs, M.(2002)。論集體記憶。上海=Shanghai, China:上海人民出版社=Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe。
李明峻譯Hardacre, H.(1995)。神道與國家(1868-1988)─日本政府與神道的關係。臺北=Taipei, Taiwan:金禾=Creseed。
王蘭生譯Hettner, A.(1997)。地理學:它的歷史、性質與方法。臺北=Taipei, Taiwan:商務印書館=The Commercial Press。
張君玫譯、劉鈐佑譯Mills, C. W.(1995)。社會學的想像。臺北=Taipei, Taiwan:巨流=Chuliu。


