  • 期刊


Self-Concept and School Adjustment of Students with Learning Disabilities




Purpose: Students with a healthy self-concept typically think of themselves as valuable and competent, are motivated to perform well academically, try hard to overcome challenges, have harmonious relationships with family and friends, and exhibit relatively few behavioral problems. Considering the major influence of self-concept on learning and behavioral outcomes, it is important to understand how students' self-concept develops. Some studies have shown that self-concept declines with age, whereas others have reported that it does not. Still other studies have stated that self-concept changes during transition period. Considerable research has focused on the relationship between self-concept and school adjustment in students with learning disabilities; however, relatively little has focused on the development of self-concept in these students. Methods: This study investigated the development of the general self-concept and school adjustment as well as the impact of sex and placement on self-concept. The study data were collected from the Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study database. Of all students with learning disabilities, 309 who had completed ≥ 2 questionnaires during 4 academic years (2008-2009 to 2011-2012) were studied. Structural equation modeling with latent growth curve models and a cross-lagged panel model were used to analyze the three waves of data. Items were chosen based on the definitions of self-concept and school adjustment provided in the literature. Each research tool included appropriate items that could be found repeatedly in all three ranges. Items that could only be found in two ranges were excluded. Accordingly, there were 14 items regarding self-concept and 7 items regarding school adjustment. Results/Findings: Self-concept did not vary significantly among the students over time; however, significant differences were found among students with learning disabilities at the beginning of the study period. The initial slope and rate of change also exhibited variance between individuals. The negative correlation between the initial slope and the rate of change indicated greater development in the first-grade students with inferior self-concept. School adjustment, however, showed a tendency to increase steadily. There were individual differences with regard to both the initial slope and the rate of growth; moreover, the course of development varied among students. The initial slope and rate of change were negatively correlated with school adjustment. Therefore, with time, students with inferior school adjustment exhibited a greater rate of change, contrasting with a slower rate of change in students with more favorable school adjustment. However, little difference was noted in the rate of change between the two types of students. Self-concept and school adjustment demonstrated moderate correlation in a single year; however, no significant relationship was identified between these two characteristics in the long term. Cross-lagged panel correlation analysis showed that the self-concept for predicting the subsequent school adjustment was not statistically significant. No significant difference was found for the slope or rate of change in self-concept between the sexes; however, the boys and girls had a similar development trajectory over the 4 years. The nonsignificant differences among students with different placements in terms of slope and rate of change indicated that all of them remained similar over time. Conclusions/Implications: Suggestions are provided for the practical application of and future research on self-concept and school adjustment.


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