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Effect of Game-Based Physical Activities on Static Balance and Selective Attention - A Case Study of Junior High School Twins with Autism and Tourette Syndrome




Purpose: On the basis of the motor skill taxonomy proposed by Gentile, the researchers designed easy-to-difficult game-based physical activities, which are suitable for students with autism and Tourette syndrome. The study investigated the effects of the game-based physical activities (GPA) on static balance abilities and selective attention in junior high school twins with autism and Tourette syndrome. Methods: The participants were seventh-grade twins with autism and Tourette syndrome. Static balance tests and the Tien-Character Attention Test were empirically applied before the intervention that involved the game-based physical activities. The GPA lasted for eight weeks, twice per week, once for 45 minutes. The static balance was measured after each GPA course, whereas the Tien-Character Attention Test was applied once per week. The 8-weeks changes of the balance and attention were dynamically presented in the coordinate systems. Results/Findings: Through the 8-week intervention involving game-based physical activities, we obtained the following findings: 1) for both twins, the trajectories of improvement in static balance abilities showed very different trends, with the younger brother outperforming the older brother; and 2) the selective attention ability (inferred from the Tien-Character Attention Test scores) of the older brother improved, whereas that of the younger brother degenerated. Conclusions/Implications: The conclusions drawn in this study are outlined as follows: 1) After the intervention involving the game-based physical activities, the static balance abilities of the junior high school twins with autism and Tourette syndrome improved in the acquisition phase as well as the retention phase. 2) The selective attention of the twins with autism and Tourette syndrome was inconsistent. The older brother showed a higher frequency of tics in Tourette than the younger brother did. The younger brother showed more improvement in selective attention abilities from the game-based physical activities than the older brother did. A relatively high frequency of tics in Tourette seemed to engender no improvement in selective attention abilities, and a high frequency of tics may degenerate selective attention abilities.


autism attention game Tourette syndrome static balance


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