  • 期刊


The Anxiety and Transcendence of Technological Revolution: Discussion on the Big Data Challenge of the Modern Digitization of Chinese Ancient Documents from the Transitional Impact of Printing Technology in the Song Dynasty




印刷術 版刻 雕板印刷 古籍 文獻 數位化 資訊化 技術革命 大數據


Since the production of "二十五史食貨志" of Academia Sinica in Taiwan in 1984, to date, digitization of Chinese ancient documents has been developed for 30 years. Over this period, the literature and history field has attempted to use computer technology to transform Chinese classic ancient documents into digital information, replicated images, and texts of automatic indexing. It is obvious that digitization is the future trend and milestone of reorganization of ancient documents. Over the past three decades, various new production methods have supported this trend. However, comparison to revolutions in other fields, the progress of Chinese ancient documents is rather conservative and limited. It is mainly based on primary full texts and scanning of images. The essence of texts and external forms are still at an early stage. From early personalized construction to the present, the focus has been shifted to patents of resource units and oligopoly of business groups, with less participation of historic experts, not to mention the academia. The reason is that ancient documents digitization is complicated and vast, thus, the complexity of the information technology and limitation of individual efforts have led to the inferior result. Moreover, the outcome and new opportunities of digitization revolution are neglected due to the unfamiliarity with the technology. This paper observes the historic development of printing technology in Tang and Song Dynasty. It further compares media revolution, obstacles in practice, and anxiety of change at the time with current similar situation: power and compelling force of technology, difficulty and low effectiveness, anxiety of change, etc. In addition, modern digital revolution is becoming data revolution. It is the formation of human beings' new experience. What can be the new topical subject in Chinese ancient documents, as Big data, in calculation of information technology? What is the significance? By historic development and encouragement, this paper intends to encourage the literature and history field to approach a new era.


