  • 期刊


A Investigation of Aboriginal Students' Life Style From a Health Promotion Perspective



本研究以橫斷面問卷調查方式,以某護專原住民新生爲母群體,探討其執行健康促進行爲之一般狀況以及是否與一般非原住民學生不同。採用的研究工具爲經中文版修訂之「健康促進的生活方式量表」,用集束抽樣方法抽取104位的原住民學生爲主要的研究對象,以沒100位非原住民的一般生做爲比較。 研究結果:(1)在40項健康促進行爲中,大部分原住民學生行爲有23項佔57.5%分佈在「有時」至「經常」之間;(2)在其生活中執行健康促進行爲,以人際關係得分嚴高,其他依次爲自我資現、壓力處置、營養、運動及健康責任:(3)原住民學生與一般生兩者在其健康促進行爲的比較,呈現「大同小異」,即量表總分及六類因素排名上沒有差異存在,而六類因素中有兩類因素:「營養」與「壓力處置」以及8項單項行爲,兩者有差異;(4)另外發現原住民學生體重過重的比率較高、單親家庭較多,有59.6%原住民學生描述她們至少有一種經常不適的身體部位,不適部位以腹部沒頭部居多。最後針對護理教育課程、原住民學生輔導及未來研究提出建議。


The purposes of this study were to investigate the aboriginal students' health promoting lifestyle and to compare the difference between the aboriginal students and non-aboriginal students. The research instrument was the Chinese version of Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile. One hundred and four aboriginal students and 100 non-aboriginal students were randomly selected from a nursing institute. The results of this study were as the following: (1). Among 40 items, most (23 items) of the health promoting behaviors distribute from ”sometimes” to ”usually”. (2) The six dimensions of the health styles ranked from the highest to lowest score were interpersonal supportive, self actualization, stress management, nutrition, exercise and health responsibility. (3). Comparing health promoting behaviors between the aboriginal students and non-aboriginal students appear almost the same or not different. There are no significant differences between them ,in the six dimensions and the total scores of HPLP. Put differences exist in two dimensions (nutrition arid stress management) and other eight kinds of behaviors.(4).Aboriginal students have comparatively high ratio of heavy weight and single parent family, 59.6% of aboriginal students stated that they had at least one kind of uncomfortable ,especially abdominal and head. The findings of this study can be applied to the nursing courses of the school, the health promotion lifestyle of the aboriginal students and the future research.


heath promotion lifestyle aboriginal student


