  • 期刊


A Scenario-based Simulation Design for Critical Care Nursing Education




Simulation-based education model is a safe and repetitive teaching strategy for realistic medical situation. It uses structured teaching plans to simulate practical scenarios to enhance students' ability for nursing care. The purpose of this article is to discuss the theory, design process, and application of the simulation-based teaching plan in critical care nursing. According to the related literatures and research results of the scenario-based experience, the development of simulation-based teaching model should consider seven principles: theoretical support for the framework, consideration of student-oriented learning, having clear learning goals, designing teaching plans for realistic situation, scene preparation for simulation environment, collecting feedbacks, and timely guides provided by teachers, etc. In order to increase the sense of realism, participation, self-confidence, and learning effectiveness of simulated-based learning in critical care nursing courses, there are six precautions to be considered in the scenario design for critical care nursing courses: (1) design is based on background knowledge of students, (2) the scenario design includes empirical nursing authenticity, safety, and integration, (3) the scenario design is patient-based with connectivity, cyclic, tolerance, and trans-disciplinary teamwork, (4) the simulation process is challenging, interactive, and attractive, (5) should consider existing course equipment and usage of multiple media, (6) the teaching plans should have clear descriptions and guidelines.


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