  • 期刊


Examining the Water Management of the Taipei Water Source Domain: The Indicator Utilization Method


指標一向是政府部門的重要管理工具,其所提供的數字除可提供決策者持續追蹤執行成效,修正政策目標之外,尚可透過此種具體解釋,輔助說明政策的產出與影響,向人民說明,正在進行中的政策,有其存在之必要性。因此,政府必須善用指標,以證明其所推動的政策具有正當性。 爰此,本文嘗試評估台北水源特定區之水質管理情形,探討的問題聚焦於以土地管制爲手段的集水區是否擁有相對較佳的水質?研究步驟是先針對特定區內之當地居民進行初測訪談,瞭解問題所在,並將訪談結果,參酌集水區永續指標,提出一套符合國內環境系絡的水質評比指標,主要包括社會、環境與經濟等三大面向。之後,針對國內四大集水區進行對照分析,以突顯台北水源特定區之水質管理情形。最後,再運用「分析網絡程序法」,針對政策相關人進行施測分析。 研究結果顯示,台北水源特定區爲我國目前唯一依都市計畫法劃設,以土地管理爲手段的集水區管理單位,因而擁有相對較佳的管理績效。儘管如此,該區仍存有許多待解決的問題,因此在結論中提出建議,作爲該區未來管理方式的參考。


For the government, indicator measurements are a major means of demonstrating the legitimacy of policy. To provide a reason as to why a policy continues to exist, the government must utilize the indicator to justify its actions in carrying out its policy. Although indicator measurements are sophisticated, they may provide policy-makers with means to keep on monitoring and modifying their policy goals. In doing so, the main purpose of this paper is to measure the quality of the water of the Taipei Water Source Domain by comparison. The main point of discussion concerns whether is it a good way by means of land-use regulations to maintain the quality of water supply. The analysis proceeds as follows. First of all, the people who live in the Taipei Water Source Domain are interviewed. Secondly, by combining the results of the interview with the watershed sustainability indicator, this paper includes a set of indicators, including society, the environment, and the economy. Finally, a well-developed methodology, the Analytic Network Process, is employed to analyze the managerial performance of the Taipei Water Source Domain. By comparing four water conservation areas, the results show that the Taipei Water Source Domain has relatively better performance. The result also shows that land management, which integrates water, soil, and forest management, influences the performance of the water conservation area the most, and in turn outlines the importance of the special characteristic of the Taipei Water Source Domain as it is the only water conservation area in Taiwan designated by the Urban Plan Act. Although the Urban Plan Act in particular gives the Taipei Water Management Office the capacity of land management, the paper finally provides some suggestions for the Taipei Water Source Domain to improve the existing problems.


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