  • 期刊


台灣日語學習者論說表達能力之探討-以高級學習者的日文演講稿為分析對象-|A Research on Logical Expressive Ability of Taiwan's Japanese Learners: Take Japanese Speech Scripts by Advanced Learners as Analytical Objects




所謂的「論說表達能力」就是運用邏輯思考,充分表達自己想法的能力。大學畢業後,無論是選擇升學或是選擇就業,都需要具備這個能力。本研究針對台灣日文系四年級學生(日文能力屬於高級程度)所撰寫的日文自我意見表達講稿,進行結構分析,以掌握學生的論說表達能力現況。希望藉此獲得大學日語教育在論說表達能力養成時,可參考的研究結果。本研究得到以下3項結論。(1)適用於論說文、演講稿撰寫的「三段式構造」及「首尾雙括式構造」這兩種文章結構,已經廣為多數學習者所認知和應用。(2)對於自我意見表達演說的基本結構和要件,學習者還不能充分理解並應用。即使是日文能力屬於高級程度的學習者,要他從收集到的資料中選擇合適的材料進行組合、編排成一篇合乎邏輯的論說日文講稿並不容易。(3)學習者容易忽視跟自己立場不同的意見,也無法應用具有說服力的客觀資料,來為自己立場的優越性做論述。也就是說,學習者對於「歐美方式的論說模式」的理解度及熟練度都不足。|The phrase "logical expressive ability" refers to the competence that makes one express opinions with logical thinking, which is essential for either schooling or work. Based on the speech scripts of self expression by senior students majoring in Japanese, this study aims to discover the logical expressive ability of Taiwan's Japanese learners. With the method of structural analysis, three conclusions are drawn. First, the "three-section structure" that consists of introduction, body, and conclusion and the "head and tail format" in which the author's opinions are stated in both introduction and conclusion are understood and adopted by most of the students. Second, the basic structure and the elements of a speech are not fully understood nor used. Although the objects are advanced learners, it seems difficult for them to select the appropriate materials from the collected data to form a logical speech. Finally, the students easily ignore the opposing stance points of others. They cannot defend their argument with objective and persuasive evidences, either. This can be suggested that the advanced learned are unskilled in or unfamiliar with the argumentative mode of the west.


宇佐美洋(2001)「これからのスピーチ研究―日本語教育の立場から―」『日本語学』第 20 巻第 6 号、東京:明治書院、pp.37-47。
古賀万紀子・青木優子(2012)「論理的表現力育成のためのスピーチ指導―韓国人中級日本語学習者を対象に―」『早稲田日本語教育学』第 11 号、早稲田大学大学院日本語教育研究科、pp.135-153。
