  • 期刊


台灣日語學習者在口語對話中連接語的使用情形-從不同的學習程度進行分析-|The Use of Conjunctions in Conversations by Taiwanese Learners of the Japanese Language: Analysis from Different Levels of Learning




本文以大學日語學習者為調查對象,將其受訪資料進行分析,目的是了解不同學習程度台灣人日語學習者連接語詞的使用特徵。所得結果為N1程度:接續詞、接續助詞不管是在使用數量或質量上都有明顯提升。不過完整成段的敘述表達仍不能運用自如,並且跟談話標誌相關的接續語詞即便是高級程度還是無法完全習得。N2程度:可區分為只使用簡短單句的學習者及會應用接續語詞表達較完整描述兩類。N3〜N5程度:最大的特徵是個別差異大,可以觀察到完全不用或是高頻使用接續語詞的情形。|This study interviewed college learners of the Japanese language in Taiwan to obtain data for analysis. The objective of this study was to understand the characteristics of conjunction usage among Taiwanese learners of the Japanese language on different learning levels. The results are detailed as follows: N1-level learners exhibited substantial improvement in the frequency and quality of using conjunctions and conjunction particles. Despite their advanced level, N1-level learners failed to master narrative expressions in complete paragraphs and had yet to fully comprehend conjunctions related to discourse markers. N2-level learners were divided into two types: Those who only used short single sentences and those who were capable of using conjunctions to express their ideas more clearly. The N3-N5-level learners were most characterized by their large individual differences; some of them did not use any conjunctions while the others frequently did.


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