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An N-gram Approach to Identifying the Chinese Linguistic Signals for the Problem-Solution Pattern in Annotated Online Health News


This article will report the results of an exploratory project that combined the annotation of the Problem-Solution (PS) textual pattern in online health news and the quantitative and qualitative methods of corpus linguistics to investigate the linguistic features of particular rhetorical moves. A total of 120 journalistic texts written in Chinese were collected from a Taiwan-based journalistic website that focused on providing news related to health and medicine and were annotated with the four components of the PS pattern. To identify signals in the genre for the elements of the PS move structure, an n-gram approach was then implemented to extract frequent lexicogrammatical sequences from the corpus in general and from the Problem and Response moves in particular. The results showed that the linguistic features found in the retrieved sequences tended to fall within a range of categories, such as abstract nouns, medical terms, and modal verbs, which not only served as functions relevant to the rhetorical move in which they were used but also reflected characteristics specific to the health news genre and the Chinese language. The findings and annotated data generated from the current project will thus provide a solid foundation for future research and applications.


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