  • 期刊

Bio-Oss(上標 ®)在牙周再生與骨再生應用的探討

Current Status of Bio-Oss(superscript ®) in Periodontal Regeneration and Bone Regeneration


Bio-Oss(上标 ®)一種源自於牛的骨替代物,具有良好的骨引導效果,生物相容性高,安全可靠,在牙科的用途廣泛。本文從下列三個較常用的方面進行探討(一)在牙周再生方面:組織學證實Bio-Oss(上标 ®)具備牙周再生的效果,臨床上對鈴牙周抉損區合併再生膜或其他再生材料(EMP,PRP等)有顯著的效果,可減少探測深度,增加附連高度及減小骨缺損區。(二)骨再生手術:Bio-Oss(上标 ®)可有效維持齒槽骨寬度和體積,提供植體長期可靠的成功率,另外可保持軟組織高度,對前牙美觀尤其重要。(三)鼻竇提升手術:相較於自體骨移植,Bio-Oss(上标 ®)吸收緩慢的特點,可有效地維持長期體積穩定,以提供植體可靠的成功率。


The natural porous bone mineral (Bio-Oss(superscript ®), Geistlich) is obtained from bovine cancellous bone by extracting all the proteins. The bone mineral maintains the natural architecture of bone, and bears a close resemblance to human cancellous bone. It also shows an excellent osteoconductivity and biocompatibility. Bio-Oss(superscript ®) has been successfully used for periodontal regenerative treatment in intrabony defects, ridge augmentation, and sinus floor elevation. The purpose of this paper is to provide the current status of this biomaterial on clinical and histological evidence in periodontal regeneration and bone regeneration therapy including periodontal intrabony defect, bone augmentation and sinus augmentation in implant therapy.
