  • 期刊


Periodontal Treatment Combined with the Use of an Enamel Matrix Derivative: A Case Re


牙周病的發生,常常伴隨著不同程度的軟硬組織破壞,而在進行了包含口腔衛教以及 牙根整平術的牙周基本治療後,便面臨了後續更進一步的處理。面對硬組織的破壞,也就是骨內的缺損,引導組織再生手術或其他再生方式就可能是治療的選項之一。此次的病例報告在於提出使用牙釉基質蛋白參與牙周再生治療:兩處牙周缺損都有5毫米以上的牙周探測深度以及放射線下可見之骨內缺損,在進行牙周基本治療後,經使用牙釉基質蛋白來 參與牙周再生治療,術後一年的追蹤,患區都有探測深度的降低,放射線檢查狀況提升,顯示牙周狀況經合併牙釉基質治療後有明顯的改善。(臺灣牙周醫誌,21(1):109-122, 2016)


This case report describes a 54 years old female patient who was suffering from localized chronic periodontitis. Her chief complain was gum swelling and bleeding when her teeth were being brushed. A clinical examination showed several tooth sites had gingival inflammation and a clinical probing depth of > 5 mm. A radiographic examination revealed intrabony defects. Non-surgical phase I treatment was provided, including oral-hygiene instruction, scaling, root planing and then, after a full mouth periodontal re-evaluation, surgical treatment was also carried out that involved the use of a combination of freeze-dried bone allografts with enamel matrix derivatives. After one year of follow up, 99.8% of the periodontal probing depths were < 4 mm, and 85% of teeth showed a 0 ~ 2 mm attachment level gain. Furthermore, radiographic examination also indicated an improvement in bone density and a refilling of the surgical sites. After periodontal treatment, the patient had more motivation to maintain her teeth and also happily underwent regular periodontal maintenance therapy. (J Taiwan Periodontol, 21(1):109-122, 2016)
