  • 期刊

Localized Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of Knee Encircling the lnfrapatellar Tendon: Report of a Case and Paper Review



本文報告一例罕見的膝部局部性著的絨毛結節性的滑膜炎以圍繞膝蓋骨下韌帶形式表現。一位30歲女性,罹患右側膝部腫瘤約3cm × 3cm × 3cm大小,感覺疼痛腫脹,右膝關節活動未限制,約三個月之久。病患的右膝關節核磁共振造影檢查顯示:一局部 性著色的絨毛結節性的滑膜炎以圍繞膝董骨下韌帶形式表現。手術方式以膝關節鏡切除 並發現其病灶外層包覆類似脂肪層及以圍繞膝蓋骨下韌帶形式表現。病理組織細胞學檢驗顯示為一局部性著色的絨毛結節性的滑膜炎。本文報告此一病例為膝部局部性著色罕見的絨毛良性病變但以圍繞膝蓋骨下韌帶形式表現,實屬罕見。是可以膝關節鏡切除且完全治癒。(中台灣醫誌2002; 7 :65-9 )


A 30 year-old female presented with a mass lesion over her right infrapatellar region. The lesion was a painful, soft, movable, well-defined lesion which measured about 3 cm × 3 cm × 3 cm. Magnetic resonance imagings (MRI) of the right knee joint revealed a localized pigmented villonodular synovitis, encircling the infrapatella tendon. Excision of the mass lesion was performed arthroscopically. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis. Radiotherapy was arranged postoperatively. She was followed for about one and half years without recurrence. Localized pigmented villonodular synovitis is very rare. It is curable with arthroscopy and has a low recurrence rate. ( Mid Taiwan J Med 2002;7:65-9)
