  • 期刊


Validity and Reliability Testing of a Chinese Version of a Hospital Patient Satisfaction


住院病人對護理照護的滿意度,最能決定及影響病人對醫院照護的整體滿意度 。台灣目前沒有一致的工具做爲各醫院住院病人對護理照護滿意度的調査工具。故本研究目的爲發展一份適用於本國各醫院之住院病人對護理照護滿意之量表,並測試此量表之信度與效度。選擇CAHPS Hospital Survey中住院病人於護理照護相關之題目共8題;經翻譯、反轉譯及專家修改成中文語意,通過參與醫院之人體試驗委員會之審査後,共U7個護理單位參與研究,研究對象須符合以下條件:1.住院天數大於三天,2.意識清楚,沒有精神障礙診斷,3.能閱讀或理解中文之病人進行調査;共計4,163位住院病人參與調査。將調査結果用來測試本量表之信、效度。結果發現本量表之Cronbach's α爲.92,內在一致性佳。KMO爲.91,再以探索性因素分析-主成分分析法分析出一個因素,解釋變異量64.08%。顯示中文版住院病人對護理照護滿意度的量表具有之信度與效度,可作爲未來研究和實務上應用的測量工具。


Hospital inpatient satisfaction with nursing care most heavily decides and affects overall patient satisfaction. Currently, there is no consensus on a measurement tool for assessing hospital inpatients satisfaction in Taiwan. This study aims to develop a survey questionnaire form for measuring hospital inpatients satisfaction with nursing care and verify both the reliability and validity of the survey. Eight survey questionnaires were selected from the CAHPS (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) Hospital Survey Form. These eight questionnaires were translated into Chinese, reviewed and approved by the Human Trials Review Board of the hospital. A total of 117 nursing units with 4163 hospitalized inpatients participated in this survey study. The survey subjects were required to have stayed in the hospital for three days, have not been diagnosed with altered mental status or a mental disorder, and have the ability to read or understand Chinese. Both validity and reliability were tested using the survey results. Cronbach's α was 0.92, indicating good internal consistency. KMO was 0.91; furthermore, principal component analysis was used in the exploratory data analysis. A variance of 64.08% was explained by the factor of nursing care. The Chinese version of the hospital inpatients satisfaction survey questionnaire was reliable and valid, suggesting that it can be used as a measurement instrument in future research and clinical practice.


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