  • 期刊


The Study of the Deployment of IT Manpower Applied in E-Government




The research aims to explore the status quo of IT manpower deployment and to study the principles of appropriate manpower applied in IT agencies in Taiwan e-government. IT manpower in e-government means manpower in IT agencies and manpower charged of digitalized administrative works, but not including the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics in the Executive Yuan and relative agency are not included as the research samples. In-depth interview method is applied as the research method. With the help of the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission in the Executive Yuan, the authors interviewed IT agencies in the central government and the local government as the research samples. In order to understand the principal of appropriate IT manpower, the authors went to Korea in September 2009 to interview and collect the data related to IT manpower deployment. Through the results of interviews in both countries, the authors provided possible research variables and principles of IT manpower deployment. According to the research results shown, the main principals of IT manpower deployment are population, IT administrative work and budget. After studying the interviewing results of Taiwan and Korea, (1) IT manpower and IT budget in the Kaoshiung city is less than that in the Seoul city; (2) the Seoul city has established a database center, but the Kaoshiung city does not have had it.


王宏仁(2009)。專責資訊部門法制化,2009 年9 月30 日,取自:http://www.ithome.com.tw/itadm/article.php?c=54895&s=7
行政院主計處(2007a)。政府機關電腦應用調查報告,2009 年2 月6 日,取自:http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/public/Data/710311620771.pdf
行政院主計處(2007b)。「政府機構資訊科技策略規劃與執行概況」調查報告,2009 年2 月6 日,取自:http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/public/Data/7441750271.pdf


