  • 期刊


A Study on Induced Abortion Experience and Related Caring Needs of the Unmarried Adolescent Students


本研究旨在瞭解青少女學生在經歷墮胎事件時所遭遇到的阻力及助力、墮胎經驗的心路歷程及墮胎對她們造成的影響,以進一步探討這群青少女於墮胎歷程中所需的相關照護需求。本研究以深度訪談蒐集資料,傾聽七個未婚青少女學生的墮胎始末,並以現象學的方法進行資料分析。 研究發現,墮胎青少女最大的支持來自男友以及同儕,特別是有相同墮胎經驗的同學。他們最大的阻力是擔心男友被告,因而不敢告知家人,導致經濟來源短缺。關於墮胎對未婚青少女學生的影響,有些參與者覺得墮胎對生理的影響大於對心理與社會層面的影響,例如,有些青少女自覺墮胎後身體變差及生殖器官重複感染。對有些參與者而言,墮胎對心理及社會層面的影響較為顯著,例如,有些青少女在墮胎後會暗中以不同的儀式尋求心靈的寄託,以減低心中的不安。 有關未婚青少女學生墮胎的相關照護需求,研究結果發現,墮胎前以心理及社會需求最迫切,例如對懷孕諮商(瞭解懷孕各種可能的選擇)有很高的需求;墮胎過程則是安全墮胎的生理照護需求先於需要陪伴的心理及社會需求;墮胎後,青少女關注身體的復原,希望能找到鬱悶的出口,冀盼一切重新開始,顯見亟需強化自我照護能力。


The purpose of the study is three-fold. First, it aims to understand the hindrance and support that these teenagers face in the process of getting an abortion. Second, it aims to look into how this group of teenagers go through the process of abortion and what impacts abortion has on them. Third, it aims to find out what kinds of care this group of teenagers need in order to cope with this critical life event. To untangle these issues, the study employs in-depth interviewing to collect data and uses phenomenology method to analyze the interviews. Participants are seven teenagers aged 15 to 18, with each having at least one abortion in the past two years. It is found that the most warmhearted support came from their boy friends and peers, particularly those with abortion experience. Legality and finance were the two highest hurdles to overcome. About the impacts of abortion, for some participants, the impacts were greater on their physical conditions than on social-psychological aspects, e.g., deteriorating physical conditions and repeated sexual organ infection. For some, abortion seemed to have greater impacts on their social-psychological life, e.g., some teenagers held ”secret rituals” to mourn the aborted fetuses. About the care needs of these teenagers, prior to abortion, they desperately needed information and guidance on pregnancy choices. During abortion, their needs for a safe abortion and physical care took up the highest priority. After abortion was completed, they were more concerned about the recovery of their physical conditions. Moreover, they looked for ways to express their suppressed emotions and longed for a refreshing start.




