  • 期刊

LARP at SCU コーパスのウェブ検索エンジンの開発と分析

The Establishment and Analysis of the Online Search System for the "LARP at SCU" Corpus


本研究目的為讓更多人可以使用LARP at SCU語料庫,針對語料庫內學習者第一次所撰寫的作文資料,建置了網頁檢索引擎。此網頁檢索引擎除了能夠下載過去以來以DVD形式發行的LARP at SCU語料庫的內容之外,也讓使用者可以透過「檢索條件」、「關鍵字檢索」的功能進行更多樣化地運用。此外,本研究也利用此檢索引擎調查了台灣日語學習者在三年半的調查期間內使用在作文上的日語語彙,以釐清台灣日語學習者在日語語彙習得上的狀況。|This study aimed to enable more people to access the "LARP at SCU" corpus by creating a web-based search engine for learners' very first compositions in the corpus. This web-based search engine enables users to download old data from the "LARP at SCU" corpus that had been released in the form of DVDs in the past and provides functions such as "search criteria" and "keyword search" for more diversified applications. Moreover, this study also summarized the Japanese vocabularies applied in the compositions written by Japanese learners in Taiwan during the 3-and-a-half years of the survey, in order to identify the difficulties Japanese learners in Taiwan may face while acquiring this language.


太田垣良孝(2012)『台湾人日語學習者在外來語特殊拍書寫上之誤用分析−以LARP at SCU 為例之通時性研究−』国立高雄第一科技大学応用日本語学科修士論文
菊川秀夫(2010)「LARP コーパスに見る台湾人日本語学習者の産出語彙の変化」『銘傳日本語教育』13、pp.206-229.
金裕文(2011)『台湾人日本語学習者の可能表現に関する縦断的習得研究−LARP at SCU の作文データを中心に−』東呉大学日本語学科修士論文
