  • 期刊


A Research on Universal Design Theory into Elementary School Education


本研究試著將通用設計理念及原則融入國民小學教育,讓敎師在從事教學活動時,藉由教學課程之提領與校園環境之感受,協助學童在學習過程中培養通用設計的意識,建立彼此個性及生理差異的包容性,並深植於日常生活中。 本研究以文獻分析法,彙整國內外通用設計發展的理念,以及國小教育課程設計面向考量,再者進行個案調查研究,根據某國小案例實測調查,瞭解現有校園現況,本研究以「融入模式」之課程統整模式,將通用設計議題融入七大學習領域,進行課程設計與教學統整之建議。 研究發現在國小校園環境部分,落實無障礙環境是每間學校正在積極處理的目標,但落實通用化校園,則有待更多相關研究的努力及推廣;在國小教學課程部分,本研究整理出性別平等教育以及人權教育議題各三項能力指標,並將之對應教育部現有各學習領域之學習領域指標,提供國小教師未來進行七大項學習領域教學課程設計時,作爲融入通用設計理念之參考建議,同時也以融入式之課程統整模式從既有國小教學教材中,提出具有符合通用設計七大原則的教學主題,作爲進行學校教育在課程與教學方面的實施原則與參考模式。期望未來透過教育課程(軟體)與學習環境(硬體)之二者結合,讓通用設計的觀念從小養成,進而達成全民共識的理想。


The next generation, which will face a trend of the fewer children, the limited resources, and lifestyle changes, will live in an aging society for its whole life. Hence, it is a duty-bound and important issue to build a symbiotic society which not only includes each individual but also take care of the whole. The study attempts to integrate the universal design theory into the elementary school curriculum. Through the teaching activities and the campus environment, teachers can assist students to cultivate the awareness of universal design in the learning process. The main approach of the study is to integrate the universal design into the seven major fields of study and find out the curriculum contents which are accorded with the seven principles of universal design. Therefore, elementary school students can understand the concept of universal design gradually by teaching, discussing, doing activities, exercising and experiencing under classroom instruction. Besides, on the premises of universal design, an elementary school has been used as a model case. The environment has been investigated, such as the buildings, the corridors, the external spaces, the facilities, and the equipments.
