  • 期刊

【論文摘要】Improvement of Cycling and Running Related Outcomes in Individuals With Sport Habit After Respiratory Muscle Training: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis



Background and Purpose: Fatigue of the respiratory muscles may cause metaboreflex, which leads to vasoconstriction of the exercise extremities and limits exercise performance. However, conservative results were found in the effects of respiratory muscle training (RMT) on exercise performance. Therefore, a systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to determine the effectiveness of RMT on exercise performance. Methods: Articles searched in the databases, including PubMed, Google scholar, PEDro, and Research Gate, published from January 2002 to December 2022 with the keywords runners, cyclists, respiratory muscle training, inspiratory muscle training, maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP), athletes' performance, and VO_2 max. Outcome measurements were focused on the MIP, VO_2 max, and time trials. The results from the selected articles were analyzed through the random effect model with Review Manager software (RevMan version 5.4.1). Results: Fifteen studies were selected for meta-analysis. The results showed that 4-6 weeks of RMT intervention is preferred for the improvement of the MIP (95% CI = [0.99, 3.10], p = 0.0001) and the reduction of time trials (95% CI = [-1.59, -0.21], p = 0.01) comparing to sham / control, while no significant improvements were found in VO_2 max comparing to sham / control. Conclusion: The meta-analysis results demonstrated that RMT could significantly increase MIP and reduce timing of the trials for cyclists and / or runners, indicating improvements in exercise performance. Clinical Relevance: For people who have exercise habits, RMT can improve respiratory muscle strength and probably reduce the metaboreflex by decreasing fatigue in the respiratory muscles which leads to the improvement in sports-related performance.


