  • 期刊


Critical Perceived Tourist Risk Factors of Tourists and Tour Leaders in All Travel Experience Phases




自由列舉 旅客 旅遊糾紛 風險降低 領隊


The purpose of this study was to explore the perceived tourist risk factors that tourists and tour leaders worry about the most in seven travel experience phases, and also to identify the differences between tourists’ and tour leaders’ perceived risks. A stratified quota sample of tourists and tour leaders were surveyed for this study. Freelisting method was used and ANTHROPAC software was applied to calculate the salience index judging the ranking of tourist risks in different phases of travel experience. Total one hundred and twenty-three questionnaires were collected from 61 tourists and 62 tour leaders respectively. Based on the risk events, results were categorized from 2,085 into 284 tourist risk events of tourists, and from 1,861 into 250 events of tour leaders. These results indicate that the most worried risk events for tourist in all travel experience phases are, including political instability and riot, travel agency bankruptcy, flight delay, foulness of the weather and personal health. For the tour leaders, political instability and riot, tour group cancellation, travel agency bankruptcy, flight delay, personal health and epidemic disease are the major risk factors. Our results demonstrated that there were different perceived tourist risks in different travel experience phases for tourists and tour leaders. In addition, most of the perceived tourist risks of tourists were same as those of tour leaders, except in the phase of tour in destinations. This study concludes that practical improvement suggestions are necessary for better tourist risk managements in specific travel experience phases, and recommendations for further research are also proposed.


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