  • 期刊


Relationship between Visitors' Setting Attribute Preferences and Place Attachment of the Taroko National Park


本研究討論運動與觀光領域,以地方為主軸的社會科學研究方向。本研究目的在瞭解遊客所重視且可控制改變的環境屬性,並瞭解遊客透過情感與功能的連結,進而對於特定地點產生依附的程度。本研究採質、量混合兩階段研究方法,首先透過質性訪談的方式,歸納出屬於太魯閣國家公園特有之環境屬性偏好選項;第二階段則將第一階段所獲得之環境屬性套用Cole and Hall(2009)環境屬性偏好量表的研究設計,以探索諸如臺灣之高密度使用區域影響遊憩體驗的各項環境屬性。整體結構模式分析研究結果顯示:資源環境屬性會正向地影響地方依賴與地方認同。本研究結論:透過強化資源環境屬性(如:旅遊資訊取得難易、風味餐、影片設施、休憩設施)可增加遊客對於太魯閣國家公園的依附程度。多元且豐富的旅遊解說資訊系統,亦可加深遊客對於在地文化、自然之瞭解;妥適的休憩設施與富在地特色的旅遊資源將可增加遊客對於園區的使用頻度,建構遊客對於園區環境屬性功能上的依賴,最終達到國民休閒品質的提升。


This study utilized a place-based approach to highlight the research directions that emerge in the study of sport and tourism within this particular field of social sciences. This study aimed to identify some manageable setting attributes that are valued by repeated visitors, and to understand how setting attribute preferences can influence the visitors' emotional and functional place attachment toward specific locations. This study utilized a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The first phase was qualitative interviews, and identified the unique setting attributes of the Taroko National Park visitors. Based on the identified setting attributes, the second phase was to design the questionnaire for quantitative enquiry according to Cole and Hall's (2009) research design in a high density use setting. The results of structural equation modeling indicated that the model fits well with the data. Resource attributes positively affected the place dependence and place identity. Our results concluded that visitors' place identity and dependence toward the park could be enhanced by improving the resource setting attributes, such as travel information, local delicacy, video facilities and recreational facilities. Diversity and richness of the travel information may also increase visitors' understanding of the local culture and nature. Furthermore, the well-maintained park facilities and the uniqueness settings will also increases visitors' use frequency, and enhance visitors' dependency toward the setting attributes of the park, and ultimately increase their quality of leisure.


交通部觀光局(2009)。中華民國98 年國人旅遊狀況調查。臺北市:作者
Clark, R. N.,Stankey, G. H.(1979).The recreation opportunity spectrum: A framework for planning, management, and research.Portland, OR:United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.


