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A Case Study of Teachers' Implementation of Online Teaching Under the COVID-19-Take a Primary School in Pingtung County as an Example


全球新冠肺炎疫情(COVID-19)肆虐全球,對世界各國的民生、經濟及教育造成莫大衝擊。台灣作為中國大陸鄰近的國家,終究抵擋不住疫情浪潮,於2021年中實施三級防疫警戒,學校及教育機構必須停止實體授課,由線上數位教學取而代之,這讓許多習慣傳統實體授課的教育工作者陷入挑戰。爰此,本研究主要探討實施線上教學遭遇的困難與解決策略,以屏東縣一所非山非市國民小學的在職教師作為研究對象,研究方法採用質性訪談法,並搭配相關文獻進行分析。本研究經訪談後得出以下分析結果:(一)訪談學校規定教師使用Google Meet軟體進行線上教學;(二)線上教學的困難分為軟硬體設備及學生個人因素;(三)訪談教師多認為線上教學影響學生之學習動機及學習表現;(四)學生於線上教學容易有健康及人際關係問題產生。最後,本研究提出實務建議供學校未來實施線上教學之參考。


The global new crown pneumonia epidemic (COVID-19) is raging all over the world, causing a great impact on people's livelihood, economy and education. Taiwan has implemented a level 3 alert in mid-2021, and schools and educational institutions have to stop physical teaching and replace it with online digital teaching, which challenges many educators who are used to traditional physical teaching. Therefore, this study mainly discusses the difficulties and solutions encountered in the implementation of online digital teaching, taking a primary school in Pingtung County as a case study. This study adopted interviews method, supplemented by document analysis. The research sample was in-service teachers of various grades of the primary school. The following results were obtained after the interviews: (1) The school stipulates that teachers use specific software for online teaching. (2) The difficulties in online teaching are mainly due to software and hardware equipment and individual factors of students. (3) Most teachers believe that online teaching affects learning motivation and learning performance. (4) Students are prone to health and interpersonal problems during online teaching. This study proposes recommendations for schools to implement online teaching as a reference.


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