  • 期刊


Reflecting the Bauhaus Education Concept for Looking Forward at the Development of Taiwanese Craftsmanship- A Case Study on the "New Fun in Craft" Project of National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute


本研究試圖借鏡百年以前包浩斯聯合其「造形師傅」與「技術師傅」所採取之「工坊」運作模式,提出理論結合於實務的工藝傳承發展模式。為因應當前臺灣工藝產業所面臨之轉型衝擊,「工藝新趣」專案是以國立臺灣工藝研究發中心為平台,媒合工藝師與設計領域師生團隊,導入科技與技術從事工藝創作的一項工藝傳承發展計畫。希望透過設計及品牌加值而從傳統邁向創新,目的乃為開拓工藝發展上的全新契機。本研究採取文獻回顧及多個案研究法,藉由「工藝新趣」計畫中之實際案例,探討臺灣工藝發展與包浩斯發展脈絡之間的聯結,發現工藝產業共有6 項特質契合於包浩斯精神。分別就生產方面,工藝在工序製程及技術傳承有所改變;以及在產品方面,除了重視形色與機能,同時藉由文化轉譯爭取消費認同。研究結論為:(1)傳統技藝固須持續維繫工藝上應有的手感價值,但新創科技工具的協作亦有助於工藝品朝向商品化邁進。(2)藉由工藝師與設計師的分工合作,可創造出更符合於現代生活的工藝產品。(3)工藝產品之外在形式透過設計進行符號轉譯,將有利於其中的在地識別被提升為足以突顯產品內在意涵的附加價值。


包浩斯 工藝新趣 臺灣工藝


By reflecting the operation model of "workshop" of Bauhaus that was adopted by its Masters of Form and Technical Masters a century ago, this paper proposes a development model of craftsman's heritage that combines theory with practice. As Taiwan's craft industry is facing with transformational challenges, the "New Fun in Craft" project is an effort to inherit craftsmanship with National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute serving as its platform to bring craftsmen and faculty-student teams from design field together, to create new crafts by adopting new technologies and techniques. Through brand value-adding creative designs, the project aims to realize the transition of craft development from tradition-focused to innovation-oriented approach, for the purpose of seeking new breakthrough opportunities. This paper adopted the methods of literature review and multiple case analyses to explore the connections between the development of Taiwanese crafts and the Bauhaus movement from the cases of the "New Fun in Craft" project. These connections revealed six features complying with the Bauhaus spirit in craft industry. By investigating procedure and product separately, we discover that craft manufacturing process and traditional skill inheritance have changed. Meanwhile, in the aspect of product, aside from color, form and function of craft, people emphasize culture translation to strive for identity of consumption. Finally, the following conclusions were reached: 1) Although traditional craftsmanship is still required to maintain the necessary "hand-touch" value, creative tools of new technology can also help to enhance the commercialization of crafts. 2) The collaboration between craftsmen and designers is more capable of creating crafts that fit better to our modern life. 3) The symbolic meaning behind the appearance of crafts can better be translated through design, so that the local identity of their origins can be elevated to be effective expressions of the crafts' inherent meanings and thus can enhance their values.


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