  • 期刊


Healthy Land and Ideal Custom: Custom Discourses on Taiwan and Manchuria in Japanese Colonial Period




Through the analysis of and comparison between the hygiene discourses and travel guides on Japanese colonies, this paper attempts to point out how the foreign images of Taiwan/Manchuria are produced and disseminated and how political policies change Japan's custom domestication and foreign hygiene discourses. Second, I will also analyze the travel guides on Taiwan and Manchuria officially published by Japan in order to figure out the connection between custom discourses and colonial governance. I try to point out how travel guides introduce, categorize, and position the ecology and humanistic resources of different regions in temperate and tropical zones through different issues and narrative modes and how the introduction of local custom becomes the promotion highlight for foreign tourism. In terms of the analysis and comparison, I will further understand how Taiwan and Manchuria are seen, known, and narrated.


臺灣總督府編,《台灣鐵道名所案內》(台北:江里口商會發行,1908 年)。
ジャパン•ツーリスト•ビューロー(日本國際觀光局)滿洲支部編,《昭和十五年滿支旅行年鑑》(東京:博文館,1940 年)。
滿洲國史編纂刊行會編,東北淪陷十四年史吉林編寫組譯,《滿洲國史分論》下(長春:東北師範大學印刷,1990 年)。
曾山毅,《植民地台湾と近代ツーリズム》(東京:青弓社,2003 年)。
今井忠雄,《満州案內:東亜の大宝庫》(東京:實業之日本社,1904 年)。
