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作家筆下的311─以川上弘美及多和田葉子為主要探討對象─|311 Eastern Japan Earthquake depicted by Writers: Focused on Hiromi Kawakami and Yoko Tawada




2011年3月11日發生的日本東北大地震,也就是所謂的311所造成得災害規模是空前未有的慘狀,地震後,川上弘美、村上春樹、多和田葉子、高橋源一郎等作家相繼書寫震災情況或災區受災戶的生活狀況,甚或有預測未來世界情景的描寫。村上春樹的『沒有女人的男人』地震的氣息較不濃厚,相較之下,多和田葉子的短篇集『獻燈使』是直接書寫地震或核災的作品。其中,尤以中篇作品「獻燈使」為甚,不論對地震受創慘狀或是因地震引發核災生活在形同鎖國的東京內的老人及少男少女的生活,筆觸最為犀利。本稿以同樣對311核災為題材的川上弘美作品「神明2011」與多和田葉子的中篇作品「獻燈使」為主要分析文本,並參考描寫關東大地震慘狀的作品,探討311震災被文學作家如何書寫?透過主人公內心描寫或場景設定的爬梳,釐清兩位作家書寫之特色。|Since the scale of damage of Great East Japan Earthquake occurred on 11 March 2011, i.e. 311 Eastern Japan Earthquake was unprecedented horrific scenes, various writers such as Hiromi Kawakami, Haruki Murakami, Yoko Tawada, Genichiro Takahashi etc. one after another depicted the situation of earthquake disaster, the life status of earthquake-devastated districts and the future world in the way as they anticipated. Against smells of the earthquake are not distinct in "Men Without Women" of Haruki Murakami, "The Emissary" as a collection of short stories of Yoko Tawada is a work directly facing the earthquake and the damage of nuclear power plant, a long short story amongst the collection named as "The Emissary" describing the miserable situation due to the disaster and the way of life of seniors and juveniles in isolated Tokyo due to the damage of nuclear power plant are very incisive. The study focused on the long short story of "The Emissary" of Yoko Tawada as a main theme to compare with "Kamisama 2011" of Hiromi Kawakami similarly taking the nuclear power plant of 311 Eastern Japan Earthquake as the topic. Further, it tried to clarify the depicting features of the two writers by means of exploring the expression way of 311 Eastern Japan Earthquake as well as analyzing the description of the state of mind of leading characters, scene setting and so on, while referring the works depicting the miserable state of the Great Kanto earthquake.


川上弘美(2015)『神様 2011』(6 刷り)(2011 第 1 刷り)、講談社
赤坂憲雄(2012)「震災から言葉へ」『日本文学』(特集日本文学協会第 66 回大会文学のリアリティ)第 61 巻第 4 号、日本文学協会、pp. 13-19
西條八十(1923) 「大東京を弔ふ」『噫東京』交蘭社。(和田博文編修(2007)復刻版『コレクション・モダン都市文化第 26 巻関東大震災』、ゆまに書房)
曾秋桂(2016)「エコクリティシズムから読むポスト 311 文学作品―多和田葉子『献灯使』を中心に―」『台湾日本語文学報』39 期、台湾日本語文学会、pp.1-24
