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AI翻譯崛起下的日譯中人材培育策略-譯後編輯力-|Cultivation of Translation Skills for Japanese to Chinese Translators in The Rise of AI Translation: Training Post Translation Editing Skills




AI翻譯的興起,挑戰外語學習的必要性外,更衝擊翻譯人材的市場。各專家亦指出,由於機器翻譯因乍看之下言語流暢,故有時甚至難以發現誤譯、漏譯及雙重翻譯等問題。換言之,AI譯文已達到流暢的程度,若外語學習者在外文能力尚未成熟之下,大量借助AI翻譯系統,不僅外文學習者難以辯識與學習到正確的外文與翻譯,甚至受其影響發生嚴重誤譯的情形更加難以避免。然而,使用AI進行譯後編輯,來提高翻譯的效率,已是當今的趨勢。此不只帶給翻譯產業的巨大的變化,甚至已影響外文學習者表述或組織語言的能力,故調整翻譯人材培育方向可說是當務之急的課題。為改善現階段翻譯教學上的不足,筆者自2017年擔任翻譯課程以來,不斷思考如何強化學生可隨產業進步的學習力。於創造學習環境、讓學生能順利與AI翻譯合作之前,須先解決學生AI影響下,語言表達力降低的狀況,以及「閱讀力」不足而衍生的文意理解問題。對此,本研究以培育譯後編輯能力為目標,提出二項翻譯教學方案:「文本解讀指導法」與「交叉校對指導法」。「文本解讀指導法」源於筆者文學研究的專業背景,轉用於翻譯實踐的方式—主要是經由校閱學生的譯文,引導學生查找文型、單字與文化背景,或協助學生分析日文結構進行文意解讀,練習拆句翻譯。「交叉校對指導法」則是結合筆者於翻譯現場的實際經驗,設計成課程活動,以培育學生譯後編輯的能力。盼透過本次教學實踐研究,能提出有效的翻譯教學改善方案,儲備學生連結下世代與AI翻譯合作的能力。|The rise of AI translation not only challenges the necessity of foreign language learning, but also affects the translation industry. Translation experts pointed out that machine translation may look smooth at first glance, but there are problems difficult to spot, such as mistranslation, missing translation, or repetitive translation in the text. No doubt in the recent years, AI translation has reached a certain level of fluency. However, if foreign language learners do not yet have a good command of the language, employing considerable use of AI translator will result in problematic translations which will not help them understand correct use of the language. Not before long such mistranslation can damage the cultivation of translators' skills and language proficiency as it only supplies to them false confidence and comprehension of the language. However, it is already a current trend to use AI for post translation editing to improve efficiency in the process of translation. This has not only brought huge changes to the translation industry, but also affected foreign language learners' abilities of expression and sentence organization. Therefore, adjusting the direction of cultivation of translation skills seems to be an urgent task. In order to improve the shortcomings in translation teaching regarding this issue, in the past three years I have researched on methods that strengthen students' learning ability so that they can catch up with the progress of the industry. I propose that before creating a learning environment and allowing students to work with AI translation seamlessly, these two problems need to be solved: students' use of reduced language expression under the influence of AI, and their poor textual understanding derived from insufficient "interpreting ability". In this regard, this research aims to cultivate the ability of post-translation editing and proposes two translation teaching programs: "Text Interpretation method" and "Cross Checking Methods for Translation." The idea of the former, "Text Interpretation method," originated from my expertise doing research in Japanese literature, which I later apply to practices of translation in class with the following exercises: I review students' translations, guide them to find text types, vocabulary and cultural background, assist them to analyze Japanese language structure for textual interpretations, and we practice sentence splitting translation. The later, "Cross Checking Methods for Translation" is formed based on my experience as an interpreter, designed as and with course activities to cultivate students' post-editing ability. I hope this research will help improve translation courses and bring out more practical and effective results in order to equip students with sufficient knowledge and practice using AI translation.


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マイアットかおり(2020)「SLV 時代の到来:翻訳の未来をつくるのは人にあり」『JTFJOURNAL』NO.307、pp.20-21
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