  • 期刊


An Exploratory Study on Identification of Visual-art Gifted Students in Taiwan


本研究的目的在於探討我國美術資優教育鑑定之相關問題,包括了解各教育階段美術才能班新生入學鑑定方式之實施現況、比較國內、外美術才能班學生入學鑑定方式、探討各教育階段美術才能班新生入學鑑定方式之差異情形,以及了解各教育階段美術才能班教師對現行的美術才能班新生入學鑑定方式之意見及改進建議。最後綜合文獻資料、問卷調查與比較的分析結果提出建議,以作為未來擬定美術才能班新生入學鑑定原則之參考。 由於本研究為試探性研究,因此本研究所使用的工具有兩種,皆為研究者自編之問卷或表格:一為「我國美術資優教育鑑定意見調查表」(見附錄一),二為「我國美術資優教育未來鑑定建議之電話訪談大綱」(見附錄二)。研究者將調查表中封閉式填答結果進行量化分析,並於調查表第二部分提供受試者以作開放性說明;並依據調查表結果,編擬半結構性訪談大綱,作為電話訪談表內容的引導,以進一步蒐集質的資料;本研究調查區域為南部七縣市的公立學校美術才能班,包括屏東縣、高雄縣市、臺南縣市、嘉義市、雲林縣。剔除一份無效問卷,問卷同收率為六成。國小部分共發出45份問卷,同收30份;國中部分共發出51份問卷,同收20份;高中共發出24份問卷,同收13份。針對本研究之目的,研究者從美術才能班新生入學鑑定方式之現況、國內外美術才能優異學生鑑定方式之比較以及對於未來鑑定方式以及內容項目之建議等三方面,將本研究獲得的結論呈現如下: 一、美術才能班新生入學鑑定方式之現況 大致說來,性向測驗的重要性是沒有教育階段之分的,理論上教師們仍傾向贊成多項鑑定項目綜合評斷之。鑑定問題方面,各教育階段美術才能班新生入學鑑定現況,發現「性向測驗」最顯不足。 二、國內外美術才能優異學生鑑定方式之比較 我國美術資優教育的實施方式為集中式,而美國在聯邦法令之下,各州有較彈性的措施,美國各州大多經多元程序鑑定學生,我國主要為保持客觀公正的競爭原則,是以傳統的測驗成績為決定學生錄取與否的單一標準,來避免人情干擾。美國美術才能優異學生的鑑定工具,兼具正式與非正式的評量工具,而目以各種評定量表、行為特質檢核表、推薦表格、觀察表與晤談表等非正式評量工具為主;國內的鑑定往往基於公平原則,常重視客觀化的測驗資料,不重視觀察與面談或推薦的重要性。 三、對於未來鑑定方式之建議 現行鑑定制度可行,若是加上作品審查、面試也不錯,只是需要謹慎為之,學科與術科比重一樣,不可偏廢。將多元評量觀點融入鑑定制度中。性向測驗工具需要儘快研發使用在鑑定中。美術資優教育定位要清楚,鑑定才會有效。


美術資優 鑑定 多元評量


The main purposes of this study were to explore the identification of visual-art gifted students. A series of key points were raised, such as: implementation of identification for elementary and high school visual-art gifted students, comparison of identification of visual-art students in Taiwan and the United States, comparison of identification of elementary students and high school students, and responses for identification of teachers of visual-art gifted classes. Suggestions for identification of future visual-art gifted students were concluded. Instruments of this study included questionnaire and outline of interview that both were designed by the researcher. Quantitative analysis was used first for the answers of closing questions from questionnaire; then, the outline of interview was edited from the answers of opening questions from questionnaire. The sample of this study is the visual-art gifted classes of public schools in the seven counties of the southern Taiwan. There are 45 questionnaires distributed for elementary schools while the feedbacks were 30; 51 questionnaires were distributed for junior high schools and the feedbacks were 20; 24 questionnaires were distributed and 13 returned. The response rate of this study was 60%. There wore three main results of this study, they were: 1. Implementation of identification of elementary and high school visual-art gifted students: Teachers answered that the aptitude test theoretically was most important but deficient in practice when identifying visual-art students. 2. Comparison of identification of visual-art students in Taiwan and the United States: In the United States, there were multiple methods to identify the visual-art gifted students, such as rating scales, behavior checklists, recommendations, observations, and interviews. In Taiwan, objective tests were the only one criterion to identify the visual-art gifted students. 3. Suggestions for identification for future reference: Adoption and development of the aptitude test and multiple assessments were recommended.


