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The Insect Vectors of Pierce's Disease on Grapevines in Taiwan


從2002年起,臺灣中部葡萄栽培區陸續發生葡萄皮爾斯病(Pierce's disease)。為瞭解傳播本病害之媒介昆蟲種類,2008~2010年在台中縣外埔鄉、后里鄉、新社鄉及苗栗縣卓蘭鎮葡萄皮爾斯病罹病園園內及其周遭的地被進行半翅目昆蟲採樣調查,採得樣本利用Xylella fastidiosa之廣效性引子對RST31/RST33及專一性引子對XF2542-L/XF2542-R進行PCR檢測帶菌情形,結果顯示大葉蟬亞科的白邊大葉蟬(Kolla paulula)與Xyphon sp.、錐胸葉蟬亞科的褐翅葉蟬(Tartessus ferrugineus)、尖胸沫蟬科的嗜菊短頭脊沫蟬(Poophilus costalis),以及角蟬科Cetrotinae亞科的尖三刺角蟬(Tricentrus acuticornis)呈現正反應。以室內繼代的白邊大葉蟬及嗜菊短頭脊沫蟬成蟲分別進行傳播試驗,經獲菌處理的白邊大葉蟬接種之10株健康葡萄植株中,在接種1~2個月後,有6株逐漸產生葉緣黃化情形,其葉片經PCR檢測X. fastidiosa亦為正反應;而以沫蟬接種之3株健康葡萄植株,在1.5個月後有1株呈現與田間病株類似之病徵,植株葉片經PCR檢測X. fastidiosa 亦為正反應;在昆蟲獲菌情形方面,前述完成傳播試驗的白邊大葉蟬供試成蟲共計50隻,25隻呈現正反應,獲菌率為50%;供試沫蟬成蟲共計13隻,2隻呈現正反應,獲菌率為15.4%。由上述昆蟲獲菌及傳播試驗結果顯示,白邊大葉蟬及嗜菊短頭脊沫蟬是可傳播葡萄皮爾斯病的媒介昆蟲。


Pierce's disease (Xylella fastidosa) of grapevines has been occurring in central Taiwan since 2002. In this study, we surveyed the vector species that transmitted Pierce's disease in this area and then conducted the transmission test to prove these vectors in Taiwan. We collected all hemipteran in and around vineyards. The number of X. fastidosa from these collected hemiptera were determined by PCR with the common primers RST31/RST33 and specific primers XF2542-L/XF2542-R of X. fastidosa. The results showed a positive reaction for Kolla paulula, Xyphon sp. (Cicadelloinae), Tartessus ferrugineus (Tartessinae), Poophilus costalis (Aphrophoridae) and Tricentrus acuticornis (Cetrotinae). To complete the Koch's postulates, we reared K. paulula and P. costalis in vivo and then conducted the transmission tests by the above-mentioned consequential adults. K. paulula with a 72-hr acquisition access periods were transferred to ten healthy grapevine plants. Six grapevine plants showed similar symptoms of Pierce's disease 1-2 months after transmission. These infected grapevine plants showed a positive reaction to the X. fastidosa common primers. In addition, P. costalis with a 72-hr acquisition access periods were transferred to three healthy grapevine plants and one grapevine plant showed similar symptoms 1.5 months after transmission, and the infected grapevine plant also showed a positive reaction with the X. fastidosa primers. In these transmission tests, we used a total of fifty adults of K. paulula, and 25 adults had a positive reaction with the X. fastidosa primers, ie. K. paulula had a 50% acquisition rate. In addition, thirteen P. costalis adults were used, with 2 adults having a positive reaction. The acquisition rate of P. costalis was 15.4%. The results of both the transmission tests and acquisition rates showed that K. paulula and P. costalis were the vectors of Pierce's disease of the grapevines in Taiwan.
