  • 期刊


The Change of Students' Fitness in Soochow University



本研究旨在探討東吳大學學生在學三年期間健康體適能發展狀況及修習各類體育課程後健康體適能之差異比較,並對照「台灣地區大專學生體能檢測常模」來評估本校學生之體適能。受試對象為2000年入學學生,依照教育部所推動的「學生健康體適能測驗」項目(肌力、肌耐力、瞬發力、柔軟度、心肺耐力)進行測試,並於大二、大三時再作檢測。選取連續三年完成體適能檢測之學生(合計718名)所得的檢測資料經統計分析,獲得到以下結論: (一)男生在學三年期間之瞬發力在大一與大二達顯著差異。 (二)大一男生在瞬發力與心肺耐力明顯低於台灣地區大專男生;大二、大三時在肌力、肌耐力、瞬發力、心肺耐力等項目明顯低於台灣地區大專男生。 (三)女生在大一至大三時的肌力、肌耐力等項目,明顯優於台灣地區大專女生並呈平穩之趨勢。 (四)女生在大一至大三時的瞬發力、心肺耐力等項目,明顯差於台灣地區大專女生並逐年退步之趨勢。 (五)女生的柔軟度由大一明顯優於台灣地區大專女生,至大三時轉變為明顯比台灣地區大專女生差之趨勢。 (六)大一剛入學之男、女生的心肺耐力最差;但女生的瞬發力最好,女生修習舞蹈類別其BMI、心肺耐力最好;修習水上運動類的男生在BMI、肌力、肌耐力、心肺耐力上優於其他各組;球類項目男生在柔軟度方面最佳;其他(登山、瘦身與雕塑)項目中,男生瞬發力最佳,女生其肌耐力與柔軟度最佳。


The purpose of this study was to examine a three-year trend of changes and adaptations of students' fitness in Taiwan Soochow University. After students participated various types of physical education classes, their fitness level was compared to the fitness norms of all Taiwanese college students. The participants were freshmen who entered the school in 2000. The test items were based on the criteria of the ”Health Fitness Tests for Students.” They include muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, power (explosiveness) and cardiovascular fitness, which were recommended by the Department of the Education. Retests were conducted in both years of 2001 and 2002. After testing students for three consecutive years, the results of 718 participants were analyzed and yielded the following conclusions: (1) Male participants' power output (explosiveness) was significantly different between their freshmen and sophomore-year. (2) In 2000, participants' test results in power and cardiovascular fitness were significantly lower than the norms of the Taiwanese male college students. In addition, the testing results of their muscular strength, endurance, power and cardiovascular fitness were significantly lower than the norms in both 2001 and 2002 as well. (3) From 2000 to 2003, the female participants' scores on muscular strength and endurance tended to remain steady and were significantly better than the norms. (4) From 2000 to 2003, the female participants' scores on power and cardiovascular fitness decreased gradually year by year and were significantly lower than the norms. (5) Female participants' flexibility was significantly better than the norm in their freshman year. However, their flexibility became worse than the norm when they reached the junior year. (6) Freshmen students had the worst cardiovascular fitness, but female freshman had the best power output. Female participants who involved in dancing activities had better scores in BMI and cardiovascular endurance. Male participants who involved in aqua activities had better scores in BMI, muscular strength, and both muscular and cardiovascular endurance. In the meantime, for participants who involved in mountain climbing, weight training, and weight control classes, males had better power output and females had better flexibility and muscular endurance.


