  • 期刊


Emparical Study on Safeguard Measures under the WTO and Regional Trade Agreements




Safeguard measure is an exception of multilateral legal system and leaves the limited space for the application of WTO members. Pursuant to GATT article XIX as well as Agreement on Safeguard, safeguard measures are defined as emergency actions with respect to increased imports of particular products, where such imports have caused or threaten to cause serious injury to the importing Members' domestic industry. Most WTO members follow the rules of WTO Agreement on Safeguard, and establish general and specific import relif measures. Since the exceptions under GATT article XXIV: 8 seems not prohibit safeguards under RTAs, WTO members can design diversity arrangements on safeguard measures when signing the RTAs with consideration of their trade interdependence. Thus, both in theory and practice, the empirical legal research on safeguard measures in this article, contents the issues of applications of WTO and RTAs under different levels. This article focuses on the legal structure of safeguard measure, and further examines Taiwan's important trading partners, reviewing their safeguard measures clause under various RTAs. The conclusion of this article also provides the legal and political suggestions for future trade negotiation.


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