  • 期刊


Empowerment or Constraint? Residential Child and Youth Care, Habitus of the Service User, and Class Effect


兒少安置機構為國家提供弱勢兒少保護的福利服務,其目標在促進服務使用者身心健全發展,然而,過往研究顯示接受安置兒少離院後多有社會適應的問題,少有晉身專業中產階級的案例,其中安置經驗所扮演的角色不容忽視。但目前少有研究探討離院青年的階級處境與安置經驗兩者間的關係。因此,本研究試圖從服務使用者的經驗出發,透過社會心理分析取徑,瞭解安置機構的場域規則如何形塑兒少特定的慣習?以及這些攸關階級的認同和情感,如何影響青年離院後的階級處境?本研究使用先由Pierre Bourdieu提出,後經Diane Reay及Andrew Sayer等人補充的「慣習」概念,分析兒少安置機構(場域)、服務使用者慣習及其離院後的階級處境三者間的關係。研究方法採質性研究,深度訪談15名目前已離院自立生活青年,並輔以1間機構的參與觀察。研究發現兒少安置機構透過層層管制的外在物資供給,以及聽話惜福的內在價值灌輸,形塑服務使用者生產平凡就好的生涯圖像與經常感到羞恥、自責的階級情感。影響所及,離院青年的階級處境雖不乏穩定就業與高學歷的例子,但仍以從事勞工階級職業與低自我評價為主要基調。本研究結果將提供兒少安置機構主管機關與工作人員作為優化服務之參考依據。


Residential child and youth care state services ought to improve the well-being and provide social protection for the socially vulnerable. Yet, the existing literature reminds us that these young service users are likely to encounter the challenges of social adaption. Seldom can they become part of the professional middle class in which residential care plays a crucial role. Nevertheless, the interplay between residential care and class inequality is underexplored. Employing a Bourdieusian analysis, this paper explores, both socially and psychologically, how the field of residential care shapes the classed habitus and the emotional landscape of its service users. Data from interviews with 15 ex-service users, alongside participant observations, are used to sketch how the social field of the residential child and youth care service is operationalized, shaping the unequal psychic landscape of class for its residents. This paper concludes that future research on the implementation and improvement of residential child and youth care services can benefit from the voices and experiences of the service user, who should be valued and centered in the service.


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