  • 期刊


Mysticism in Chinese Neo-Scholasticism: From Śunya to Transcendence


本文先闡述中華新士林哲學-密契論的探討,這是一個融會百川的在地化哲學詮釋,而我嘗試以禪宗十牛圖及聖經牧羊意象做比較。採用的方法是超驗多瑪斯主義(transcendental Thomism)的超驗方法(transcendental method),第一部分探討空無(nothingness)或叫做空無(Niht),因此以「空」(無)作為超存有(beyond being)作為提問,由人的存有轉化為神的存有。第二部分以空探討存有-救恩與覺悟,第三部分探討以禪悟空-走向超越存有的境界,第四部分透過十牛圖與牧羊作為在地化的默想比較冀望以禪宗的空對應牧羊的意象促進在地化哲學的交談,也能對超存有燃起對宗教交談的熱情。


The localized philosophical hermeneutics of mysticism expounded by Chinese Neo-Scholasticism is applied here to a comparison of the Zen Buddhist ox-herding pictures and the Biblical image of the shepherd. The transcendental method employed by transcendental Thomism is the method adopted. The first part of the paper looks at śunya or 'nothingness', taking this as what is beyond being, where human existence is transformed into divine existence. The second stage looks at being from the point of view of śunya, and at Christian salvation and Buddhist enlightenment. The third part examines the movement from Buddhist awareness of śunya to the state beyond being. The fourth part takes a comparison of the ox-herding pictures and the parable of herding sheep to see how the Buddhist śunya can be compared with the parable and thus help in an inculturated philosophical discussion and also inspire discussion of beyond being in religious dialogue.


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沈清松(2014/09)。〈形上學的起點:超驗多瑪斯主義與中國哲學〉,《哲學與文化》,第四十一卷,第九期:頁 3-22。
林若宇(譯)(民 85)。奧修《禪的精隨》。探索文化出版社。
陳德光(2007)。〈生命教育與生命的誕生-艾克哈大師靈心神學的對話〉,《輔仁宗教研究》,第十六期:頁 19-39。
